11 | Dealings with Otherworldly Beings

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"Focus. Eyes on point, mind on anchor. You got this." Douxie encourages as he watches his new pupil reach for her magic, "Magic is emotion. Don't let fear control you. Use it! Stay true to yourself. That will protect you from the shadows."

"But I'm scared, Doux," Claire replies, she sounds as though she's on the verge of tears.

"Don't be afraid, Claire. This is your magic. You can control it," He steps behind to allow her to concentrate, "Keep your eyes on point and relax. A wizard is only as strong as their mind."

Claire nods as a small black and purple mist begins to form in front of her.

"See! You're doing it!" Douxie cheers, excitedly.

Claire smiles before suddenly looking panicked. Her breath grows panicked and before Douxie can ask what's wrong, the shadow consumes her.

"Claire!" He calls, grasping the air where she had once stood. "Oh, not good. Not good!"

"Of course this isn't good!" Archie chimes, flying overhead as Steve approaches.

Douxie glares at his familiar as he flips through the tome of magic, "Hold on. I can figure this out. It's gonna be fine."

"Fine?" Steve shrieks, "Shadows just ate her alive, man! What are we gonna do?"

"We'll bring her out—"

"No, I think I got it," Claire replies with a grin as she steps from a portal.

"Claire!" The boys call, all feeling relieved. However, their relief is short-lived when the girl's legs promptly collapse out from underneath her. Though, before she hits the ground, Douxie catches her with his magic.

Douxie rushes forward and checks her over, "Are you all right?" He questions as a swarm of dark thoughts swarm over his mind.

"I'm better than when used my magic back on the wall," Claire replies, patting her teacher's arm, "Thanks to you, I was able to overcome my fear." She grins and Douxie relaxes.

"That's good to hear," The master-apprentice exhales, relieved. He even returns her smile, though it's not as bright as hers.

"However," Claire begins again, "I saw a vision of Morgana while I was in there."

"Oh, hot dang." Steve comments, dropping down beside the shadow sorceress, "Spill the tea, sis."

Claire cringes at his words before sitting up on her own, "I don't know if it was really her or not but I did see her."

"The Shadow Realm is a place of mystery," Douxie says, "I understand if you don't want to go back in."

Claire shakes her head, "No, it's okay. I'll be alright." She nods appreciatively, "Thanks for talking me through it, Teach."

Douxie smiles, and helps the girl to her feet, "I wouldn't have been able to if you didn't believe in me enough to teach you."

Claire giggles, "The circle goes 'round."

Douxie nods with a half chuckle, "That it does."

"Okay, enough chatting," Claire huffs, marching toward the animated doors, "Let's get down to business and go see the Lady."

Douxie, Steve, and Archie follow after the strong-willed young woman. Each of them gained a boost of confidence by her own newfound courage.

"No way this works, witchey!" One of the doors comments loudly.

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