13 | Panic

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"And there!" Douxie takes a step back from the ward he created on one of the many internal pillars of the castle, "The king's chambers and Merlin's tower, completely warded. No evil sorceress is getting in now, eh, Arch?" He turns to see his familiar flying around close to the ceiling of the large hall.

When the feline feels the apprentice's eyes on him, he lands on the floor close by and returns to his cat-like form, "Oh yes, you've done it, all right." Archie replies as a servant gets caught in one of the many magical traps, "Overdone it, I'd say."

"At least the castle's safe." Douxie sighs, stepping over to the man. He pops the bubble and helps the servant find his feet before turning back to Archie.

Just as he's about to speak, he senses a dark aura resonates from the person he just helped. Though, before he's able to question the man, Sir Galahad's voice interrupts him.

"Oy, the king summons you, boy!" The elder knight calls, pushing Douxie toward the door. In the process, the knight, plucks Archie from the ground, "Come with me at once!"

"Wha- what?"

As Galahad led Douxie back to the king, he couldn't help but feel that Arthur was going to give him an earful for something he probably didn't do or messed up. Worse than that, he fears that the king may have sensed something and wanted him around to help. Though, after what he did a few days ago with the infinite hallway, he didn't expect the king to call on him at all.

When they finally stopped walking, Galahad hops over the wall separating the mix of wooden and stone bleachers from the training grounds, leaving Douxie to find a seat. After living so long in modern-day, Douxie is surprised yet again by how well the elder folk of the 12th century hold up. Then again, the food of this time period isn't stuffed full of extra sugars, oils, and acids like they are in the 21st century.

"We have reached the time that's not the beginning, but not the end," Galahad announces, as he drops Archie, "A half-time, if you will. Enjoy this match of misfits, my lord!"

Arthur nods as Douxie sits down a little ways away, somehow behind Steve. King Arthur may have just wanted him here to keep an eye on him or maybe just to use Archie as a half-time show. Nevertheless, it's probably for the best since the apprentice can now defend the king if anything were to happen here.

Taking a look around, Douxie doesn't see Claire anywhere. She must be off somewhere keeping a look out for trouble.

Douxie snorts as he watches Galahad release a muzzled gnome with a tiny, sharp knife onto the training grounds to face off against his best friend.

"I thought the king was in danger," He mumbles to himself as he glances at Arthur, "I'm not looking to use my friend as a sideshow."

As he finishes speaking, the crowd, mainly the children, erupts into cheers as Archie turns the gnome into a pile of ash with his draconic breath. Nothing is left but the smaller creature's drilling bone.

"Not bad for a winged pest!" Arthur cheers, finally laughing and looking less stiff.

Douxie is glad that the King is loosening up a bit and sighs as Archie lands beside him.

"Never let them use me for entertainment ever again."

"No promises, old pal," The apprentice replies with a laugh as he pets his familiar. The feline grunts and attempts to keep himself from purring. Though, the more Douxie pets him, the more he gives in.

It takes only a moment for the tournament to continue.

"Now," Galahad announces, "The formidable Knight of Skulls and his challenger, Sir 'Clairee' of the House of Nuenz!"

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