06 | Rewriting History

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The way down to the main floor of the castle proved to be extremely easy. No one stopped them, no one questioned them, and they didn't run into anyone who might ask them to do something. They were especially lucky that no one was in the kitchen which allowed Douxie to snag a knife that he could enchant to cut through the dungeon locks.

Shortly after they left the kitchen though, Steve was pulled away by Sir Galahad and Lancelot to try some sort of brew. Douxie shivers at the thought. He remembers those brews and is so glad that society has improved both food and beverages.

As Steve distracts the older knights, Douxie and Claire easily slide past them and descend the stone stairway leading down to the dungeons. Douxie knows that everything is not what it should be and that Steve might inadvertently change history even more. Then again, they've already made quite a few changes already. Douxie just hopes that the changes are going to be for the better.

Once they make it to the bottom of the stairway, Claire rushes ahead to find Jim as quickly as possible. Thankfully, Douxie remembers that no guards patrol these dungeons as they all believe that the trolls or other magical creatures won't dare attempt an escape. At least, not while King Arthur is ruling.

Douxie sighs and follows after the young shadow sorceress. The worst that could possibly happen right now is that the trolls get too excited and cause a ruckus, drawing a lot of unwanted and dangerous attention to everyone in the dungeons.

"Jim!" The girl cries out upon finding her boyfriend, "We're breaking you out."

"Your stay in Terror Tower is over, mate." Douxie smirks and pulls out his enchanted knife. He cuts through the old, rusted metal of the cell and swings open the door, glad that his enchantment works.

"Douxie," Claire begins, scanning the other locked cells, "We can't leave them here."

Douxie knows that they should release them as well. However, with a bigger crowd, they'll have less stealth. He studies the desolate and forlorn faces watching him. Then, he sighs. Sometimes, he wishes he wasn't a good guy.

He hands the knife to Claire and gives her a tired wink, "We must move fast, Fair Lady Claire, we haven't a moment to lose."

She takes the knife with a determined nod, then takes off to cut through every locked cell containing a troll or goblin or gnome. Within a few minutes, every creature is free and crowding around the two gifted humans and half-troll, wanting to know how they are going to escape.

"Everyone's free, Douxie," Claire grins victoriously as she hands back the knife.

"Excellent," Hisirdoux replies, removing the enchantment and placing the knife through his belt, "Now we need to be as—"

"My Lord Arthur's in the building," Steve's echoing voice interrupts, he sounds as though he might be trying to rap, "Watch out, y'all, he's here to do some creep-killing. Get out of here!"

Douxie glances at Claire worriedly before turning back to the crowd of trolls. It shouldn't be dawn already. The night has just begun, right?

"Ev- everyone, just stay calm—"

"We're going to die!" One troll screams, sending the crowd into a panic. They surge forward, shoving Douxie, Claire, and Jim out of the way just as Archie flies in.

"Is this part of your plan?" The cat asks, de-transforming and landing on an empty wooden barrel.

Douxie huffs, "I'm improvising!"

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