12 | Child of the Moon

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Since returning from the Lake of the Monster Lady, Camelot seemed to have settled down. By settled down, the kingdom is no longer in unrest and has returned to normal ways of life.

People were carrying about their business, still gossiping but no longer talking about the king. Children returning to playing carelessly in the streets, and merchants went on their way. Arthur's knights continued to train- at least half-heartedly. With the return of Excalibur to Arthur's hands, the King had declared that a jousting and other festivities will take place in celebration. And why not? The kingdom just suffered a loss. But that doesn't mean that it must stay desolate and sad.

Even so, the band of time-traveling teenagers found themselves hiding away in their safe room aka the storage room where they had been staying since their arrival in the middle ages. Douxie deciphered Claire's tome of dark magic while Steve did whatever Steve does.

"You're doing great, Claire," The master apprentice encourages as he helps the younger teen hone her magic, "Keep your eyes on your anchor."

Since returning, her mind has been on her beloved troll hunter who had somehow escaped with the other trolls from the dungeon just yesterday. It's a wonder how time flies away from you.

Claire exhales slowly and closes her eyes. She blocks out the world around her and allows the shadows to enter her mind.

"Channel your emotions," Douxie continues, ignoring the blond male who has now somehow managed to get a bucket stuck over his head.

Despite his so-called disability to learn, Douxie is a good teacher, even if he himself does not believe it.

"I really just want to see Jim," The brunette girl mumbles, knitting her brows together.

"And you can," Douxie replies, "Just focus on finding him."

Claire nods, keeping her eyes closed. It takes a couple of moments, but Douxie finally sees her relax. She's growing more comfortable in the darkness with a more healthy fear rather than paranoia. It's a good thing. It means she'll be able to use and control the shadows more easily without perishing to them.

Suddenly, the girl's face contorts and she gasps. Douxie places a hand on her shoulder, but she doesn't seem to notice.

"Claire?" He questions, "Claire, what's wrong? Are you alright?"

The girl gasps and nearly falls our her seat. Douxie stabilizes her and allows her to catch her breath before pushing for information.

"I saw- I saw Morgana!" Claire breathes, "Morgana's coming to destroy Camelot!"

Douxie leans back, surprised, "I thought she was dead? We watched her die!"

"I know, but I swear, I saw her! She's alive and she's angry."

Douxie exhales, "We must alert Merlin immediately. Time depends on it."



Douxie and the others from the future pause at the old wizard's words. He's denying they're warning when he needs to most? Why? His priorities are rubbish.

"It's true, Master." Douxie replies in a low tone, unsure if he should speak or not, "Claire saw her in the Shadow Realm, which is great for saving history."

"She's coming to attack the kingdom any second!" Claire adds in a more energetic tone; her voice is urgent.

"Which is less great," Douxie mumbles.

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