07 | Will'o'wisp

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"Death to all trolls!" The knights of the round table chant as they followed Arthur's lead toward the wildwood.

Douxie clenches his jaw as he gallops towards his past self. However, before he gets any closer, he hops onto the cart of Galahad's onion brew. The apprentice gags at the smell, but manages to keep everything down. Man, Douxie is glad that alcohol has come a long way since this time.

He peers over the edge of the large barrel to see Steve trying to make the cow he's riding speed up so that he could stay with the knights farther ahead. However, despite his efforts, the cow continues on at its own pace.

"Medieval Bessie, go!" Steve calls, pointing ahead, "Ho-ho! Cow-ho!"

Douxie groans. It's a wonder that the blond has even made it this far in both life and in this time period. Though, somehow, the boy has earned a place in Douxie's heart.

Farther ahead, Douxie sees his past self flirting with Anthea. Terribly, he might add. How on Earth did Anthea fall in love with him?

Ahead of them is Merlin, then the knights, and after them most likely Arthur, Morgana, and Claire.

"It's a beautiful day for a ride, wouldn't you say, Love?" Past Douxie says.

Anthea giggles, "You know, there's more to the world than just the castle. It's been like this all summer."

"How can that be when you are my whole world?" He flirts making her laugh.

Douxie groans at the pickup line and casts another sleep spell on his past self. He feels embarrassed that his past self was like this, besides, the flirts were getting old.

Anthea gasps as she watches Douxie pull his past self off the horse and take his place. He winks at her and she grins, though her smile holds a tinge of uncertainty.

Suddenly, Archie lands on Douxie's shoulder. He seems unimpressed as he glares at his associate, "You do know that repeated sleep spells can cause memory loss permanently."

"Huh," Douxie grunts, feeling a little more light-hearted than what he did earlier, "Don't remember that."

Archie lets out a noise that sounds like something mixed between a hum and growl and takes off again. This time he lands on the back of Anthea's horse to watch Douxie from a distance.

"No matter," Douxie grunts as he gently kicks the side of the horse, "The king needs us!"

"Right," Anthea replies, "But what about your double? My Douxie?"

"Oh, he'll be fine," Hisirdoux replies, "He shouldn't get too bad a sunburn."

Anthea smiles, "Uh-huh."

Douxie smirks, "Let's catch up, shall we?"

"Of course."

Douxie nudges the horse with his heels, sending it into a gallop to catch up with Merlin and the rest of the knights. However, as soon as he gets close enough, Merlin lets out a long sigh that ends in a groan.

"I told you to stay in Camelot! Yet, here you are." He begins, not bothering to look at Douxie, "You defy my command when the king's life is in jeopardy!"

"But, Merlin," Douxie pulls out the Time Map, "You need to look at this! We found-"

"Need I remind you that we are trespassing on Gunmar's territory?" Merlin snaps, finally looking at his apprentice.

"But, Master, I found a new line of fate! We can save everyone if we get Arthur and Morgana to reconcile!"

"I've heard enough of your nonsense," Merlin declares, ending the conversation. The old wizard continues forward as Douxie tells his horse to stop.

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