04 | Tells of a Broken Heart

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The knights shove open the large double doors leading to the throne room, yanking or shoving Claire, Steve, and Jim into the chamber. Douxie walks quietly behind them, afraid of being seen by people he knows of this time. However, with Jim looking very much like a troll, it was hard not to catch the eyes of the castle's lords and ladies.

"Here are the trespassers, M'Lord," Lancelot says, throwing Jim forward. Another knight holds Claire back.

"A troll?" King Arthur questions, sitting down on his throne, "I thought I made it clear, your kind are unwelcome when I banished you all from the realm."

"Don't you mean betrayed?" A female voice interjects as a woman steps forward from the shadows. She makes her way toward the center of the room with a peeved expression.

Hirisdoux puts out an arm to stop Claire from attacking the woman with a string of curses on her breath. The yet-to-be-evil sorceress doesn't seem to notice and continues, "You gave the woods to enchanted creatures like these. You'd break that vow?"

King Arthur growls, "These beasts care not, especially not this spy of Gunmar's!"

"I'm not a beast!" Jim grunts, straining against the guard's hold.

Douxie pauses for a moment trying to think of something that will ease the tension in the room. Nothing comes to mind, but his mouth is already moving on its own, "Your Highness, it's good to see you again."

King Arthur raises a brow, "And you are?"

"Hisirdoux, Merlin's apprentice," Douxie replies, before motioning to Jim, "I assure you he is no threat."

Arthur stands, "That is my judgment to make, boy."

Douxie takes a nervous step back, unsure of what to say next. Morgana rests a hand on his shoulder and sighs. She steps forward once more, summoning an ounce of golden magic to her palms.

"Trolls are born of magic," She begins, releasing her magic as a small illusion, "As you are of blood. How is their nature a crime?"

Morgana's magic dances around the throne room before taking a feather-like appearance beside the throne. A couple of messengers and maids, who stand around the outward boundaries of the room gasp in awe of her magic.

Arthur abruptly stands, unimpressed, "When they ravage our lands and take our loved ones from us!" He crushes the magical feather with an armored hand. However, it floats down onto the queen's throne as flower petals, taking on the form of the king's grief, "I made these laws to hold this fragile land together, and they will be abided! Leave the wood, the penalty is death."

"Wait? No! Wait, wait! I'm not a troll!" Jim pleads as the knights force him toward the sunlight that shines into the room from behind the throne.

Hopelessly, Jim struggles against the strength of the knights and the burn of the sun to no avail. Douxie sucks a deep breath and looks around for anything to help. Before he can think of anything, shadows begin swallowing the room.

"Morgana, is this your witchery?" Arthur questions angrily, "Cease it at once!"

Claire huffs and brushes past Douxie to be beside Jim. She checks him over before turning to the king, "Just because you're scared of him doesn't mean he shouldn't exist! It doesn't make him evil."

"But it makes him dangerous, girl. I will not fail to protect my kingdom!" The king argues, sitting back down on his throne.

"If you give in to fear, that is failing," Claire shoots back.

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