17 | The Heart of Avalon

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Once the sun had set below the tree line, darkness took the valley quickly. Though despite the tranquility of the night, no creature came out of their homes.

The clashing of swords and battle cries drowned out the songs of the crickets and the rising moon's light hid most of the stars from view.

No, tonight was not the night to take a stroll through the woods.

"Night has fallen," A voice echoes across the valley, calling for a few to pause, a mistake that cost them their lives.

Hisidoux followed the sound of the voice to its origin, as did Merlin. Regardless of the lack of light, her golden armor and cape of emerald stood out against the darkness of the woods.

"Morgana's returned!" Douxie calls, gathering the attention of Jim and Claire, "She's enemy number one!"

Though, instead of joining the wizards in their fight, the two continue to help King Arthur and his knights.

"Go! We'll hold the bridge!" Jim yells back, turning a Gumm-Gumm to solid stone.

Douxie nods as Merlin calls for him. As he follows his master, Archie flies over him to follow as well.

They can't let the Eldritch Queen escape.

Hisidoux follows his ex-mentor in the forest, away from the battle. The farther away they get, the darker the wood seems. Mist settles down around them, slightly obscuring their view.

"I feel dark magic," The boy wizard mumbles, pulling his staff from his gauntlet.

"It means she's close," Merlin replies, slowing his pace and studying the vegetation around them, "Keep your eyes open."

Douxie pauses and fixates his gaze on everything that was once behind him. There is no breeze so the first feels... haunted.

In the distance, they can still hear the sounds of swords on stone.

Then, Hisirdoux hears Merlin's footsteps continue, so he follows the elder wizard. In the process, he nearly trips over a human skull. He gasps before noticing something moving in the shadows followed by ethereal, twisted laughter.

"An old man and a foolish boy," Morgana's voice echoes around them, "Lost as always."

"She can be anywhere," Merlin says in a hushed tone, "Be wary of every moving shadow."

"Do you dare run?" Morgana's voice continues from behind them, "Or will you face my vengeance?"

As they circle each other, Morgana appears in a flash of gold. A wicked grin spreads across her face as she eyes the two of them like her next meal.

"Um, is there a third option?" Archie questions, hovering beside Hisirdoux.

The boy snorts in amusement before suddenly having his feet pulled out from underneath him.

He grunts as he hits the ground. Merlin jumps into action to save his apprentice. Though, before he can even reach the boy, vines take a hold of him too, pulling him down and pinning him to the ground in a kneeling position.

The elder wizard grits his teeth and fires a spell at the vines attached to his son, "Hisirdoux, run!"

As soon as he frees his student, a root sinks itself into his back.

"I can't leave you!" Douxie calls back, firing a spell at the vines containing Merlin.

"You are still so foolish," Merlin mumbles as he collapses.

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