16 | Hope

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All of history is relying on him.

He can't let his or his friends' live's go to waste because of him losing hope. How can he continue to inspire and give hope to others if he can't do that for himself?

He can't lose hope now.

Douxie huffs as he follows the trail of magical wisps before him, leading him to the man that needs his help the most: King Arthur. The trees and foliage blur together into a melted painting of various greens while the daylight coming through the crowns of leaves above douses everything in a light shade of gold.

Suddenly, Douxie bursts through the trees out into an open field.

The wisps are gone, but he's right where he needs to be.

Douxie takes a moment to gather his breath before walking up to the cliffside where the king of Camelot is hanging his head. A sad sight. But everyone has had a low point in their life at some point or another.

"Reflecting, my king?" Douxie asks, stopping a few feet short from Arthur.

Arthur sighs and glances at him before looking out over the ocean, "I was convinced magic had taken everything from me... but it was my own doing. I tried to protect my people at the expense of so many others. Morgana was right. She wasn't evil. I was."

Douxie pauses a moment to think about his next words, "It's true," He begins, stepping closer to the king's side without getting to close to be considered disrespectful, "You've done... questionable things, but the fight's not over yet. There's still time to make things right for those you've wronged. You can still save them."

Arthur turns to him, almost fully, with knit brows, "Who are you, boy?"

"I-" Douxie wants to say who he is, but if he does, that will change all the legends told about the great king: King Arthur and everyone else who is and was in Arthur's court, "I'm nobody." He finally says with a solemn expression, "History won't remember me. Stories won't be told about me-" He looks the king directly in the eye, "-But I won't let that stop me from fighting for what is right. You are Arthur Pendragon, the King of Camelot. No matter what happens today, I know for a fact that your story will be told. But it's up to you what legacy you leave behind-- an epitaph... or a legend."

Arthur glances down at his discarded crown, "I am no king if I can't protect those I am too blind to see. What king betrays their own blood and kin? Camelot doesn't need a selfish king."

"Indeed," Hisirdoux replies, "But it does need a protector."

"But who will stand with me?"

"Galahad, stands with his king!" Galahad's voice echoes towards them. Hisidoux turns in time with King Arthur to find that all of Camelot's knights and Merlin were standing there, waiting.

"I will stand with you!" Lancelot calls, "My sword will always serve you, my lord."

"Sir Steve's got your back, King-o!" Steve replies with a rather cheesy wink.

Douxie smiles before turning back to Arthur. He picks the king's crown up off the ground and holds it out for him to take back, "As do I."

Arthur takes his crown and studies it for a moment.

Douxie's sure that his words and everyone's support are replaying in his mind.

"Then," The king begins with newfound confidence as he places his crown back on his head, "Let Camelot be remembered as the warriors we were born."


Douxie clasps his hands together to stop them from shaking. Then, he takes a deep breath to steady his heart.

The battle for Killahead has come much faster than it did nine hundred years ago. Much faster.

The boy wizard looks up through the cover of the trees surrounding them to see that the sun was beginning to set lower in the sky. In a few minute's time, the Wild Wood will be covered in shadow and Gunmar's army will attack.

The thought of being thrown back into the war he took part in centuries ago is anxiety-inducing. At least Anthea isn't here to be felled again. That fact alone makes Douxie feel more at ease. However, it doesn't calm him completely.

He must still protect his past self and make sure both himself and his friends return to their own time. Easier said than done.

He's so used to messing up that he's come to expect it of himself. What if he ruins their chances to return to their time? What if he erases someone from history? What if-

"Hisirdoux," Merlin's voice reaches him, "You have done well."

The boy snaps his head up at his once mentor, now colleague, with his breath in his throat.

"I'm proud of you," The elder wizard continues, placing his hand on Hisirdoux's shoulder, "And I should have told you sooner."

Douxie pauses, unsure of what to say. That's all he's ever wanted to hear. He only ever wanted to make Merlin proud. So the boy hugs him, feeling relief wash from his shoulders.

And slowly, Merlin returns it.

Though just as quickly as the elder wizard returns it, they had to stop for Gunmar and his army finally arrived.

The Gumm-Gumm leader took one look at Arthur's small group of visible knights and sneers, "One king cannot stand against an army, Arthur!"

"Then, it's a good thing he has an army!" Douxie calls back, stepping away from Merlin. A newfound sense of confidence and hope fills him.

"Perfect!" The troll cackles, "More meat for my troops. Berserkers, tenderize them!"

Just as quickly as Gunmar called for the attack, Arthur's knights stood at the ready. However, they weren't prepared for the living cannonballs flying towards them and many of the knights didn't react fast enough to move out of the way.

Some were crushed or pulverized, others were mutilated. The sound of stone against metal was enough for any war-worn soldier to squirm.

"Hold steady!" Merlin calls to the remaining knights, "We must hold Killahead Bridge, no matter what nightmares Gunmar throws at us!"

Several knights shout their battle cries, trying to keep their spirits strong. However, Douxie can tell that one or two of the younger ones are quaking in their boots.

"I can smell your fear, Arthur!" Gunmar shouts as the shadow of the forest elongates, stretching closer to Arthur.

"It's leaking out of his pantaloons!" A Gumm-Gumm soldier taunts, causing the rest of them to burst out laughing.

Douxie presses his lips together, forming a straight line. They are so confident that they'll win. More than they were nine hundred years ago. The boy wizard knows that Morgana is on their side but that shouldn't change anything.

"Today's as good as any to die." Galahad mumbles, walking by, "Though I never learned to read."

Douxie sighs. He's sure Merlin taught him to read in the future. Though, the boy wizard does not know how many, if any of them will survive this battle. Especially now that the entire valley before them is shrouded in shadow.

"Knights of the Round Table, our battle cry will shake the heavens and awaken the old gods to witness. Today, we say 'no more' to fear and darkness! For Camelot and glory!" The king raises his sword and charges forward.

Douxie grins and turns to his friends, "I know the Trollhunter of this time isn't here, but we are and when I get us all home, brunch on me! For Camelot!"

"For Camelot!" They shout back before following the king into battle.

Douxie nods to himself and follows the others into the midst of everything. He will survive this. He will bring everyone home and he will reunite with his one true love.

For Camelot, for their future... for Anthea!

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