14 | Battle Plan

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Despite Merlin's teachings, Douxie found the Shadow Realm... quiet... and peaceful. If he were to be trapped here for an eternity, he wouldn't mind it. Nothing could hurt him or cause him pain.

Even so, he would still worry for his friends and adoptive father. They are the one thing keeping him going. He couldn't live without them. He can't throw away their support for peace... not yet. Hopefully, not ever.

Then, just as he was beginning to adjust to the shadows, Douxie feels himself falling. He lands on his feet, still in a daze of sorts as Claire shouts.

He comes to when his past self lands in a barrel close by and pain flares up through his shoulder. His past self must have broken a collarbone and perhaps dislocated a shoulder. That pain will be with him for the rest of his life. Things could be worse though. He could be dead.

Nevertheless, there are other more dire matters at hand.

Claire stuns the changeling for a brief moment with her magic, allowing Douxie a window to entrap him with one of his barriers. He closes the bubble tightly around the creature, refusing it to have any movement. Then, he begins firing a beam of light at him.

Though despite his efforts, he can feel his magic is beginning to run low. Then, just as he feels his power plumet, Merlin comes to his aid and they destroy the impure creature together.

Douxie exhales and nearly collapses to the ground. However, Merlin catches him and lowers him slowly. Then, he offers him a small smile of approval. He's done good. He did well. Merlin is proud of him!

Douxie grins as the master wizard leans forward, "You need to rest, Hisirdoux." Before Douxie can reply, the elder wizard pulls away and pats the boy on the shoulder.

Man, he could really use a nice, long slumber. He can feel it in his bones. He hasn't taken care of himself. It's a wonder how he's managed to function these last several hundred years.

But at least he's alive. He's alive! And so are his friends, his father-figure, King Arthur, and... the love of his life. She's waiting for him in the future. Hope flares up in his chest.

Though, despite being successful in protecting King Arthur and attempting to protect the castle Camelot with all the wards he put up, the medieval city's defenses are completely and utterly ruined. Several people lost their lives and for what? They shouldn't have died. It wasn't their time. What's the point of saving one life if you can't save them all?

Douxie sighs heavily and leans against the fountain behind him as Merlin speaks with King Arthur. The hope he just felt dies down to a flicker. He can't help but blame himself for the deaths of more innocent people. He's a hazard to all.

"Douxie," Claire begins.

The apprentice looks up at her, certain that she can see how tired he is. If she does, she says nothing and instead hands him a scroll containing the plans for the Trollhunters amulet.


Douxie nods in understanding.

It's time for the world's first troll hunter.

"—I am a king with half an army," King Arthur finishes.

"Then we go to the good trolls," Douxie replies, standing shakily. His strength is waning, but he must keep going. Claire, Steve, and Jim are relying on him to get them home.

He must stay strong.


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