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Chapter 6: The Flight of the Fat Lady

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Chapter 6: The Flight of the Fat Lady

No matter what Harry would say, McGonagall wouldn't change her mind. There was nothing to be done. Ron called her all sorts of names that Hermione frowned upon. Hermione said it's all for the best' but that didn't stop Harry from being disappointed. All he heard in class was how excited everyone was to go to Honeydukes and Zonko's. Cassie felt sorry for Harry because she knew how much he wanted to go but she still wants to sneak him in.

Leading up to the first Hogsmeade visit, Cassie spent all her time with friends. She divided it up between Harry, Ron, and Hermione, Fred and George, Cedric, Neville, Ginny, and Luna Lovegood, her friend from Ravenclaw.

"Let's go," said Cassie, running across the hall with Fred right behind her.

"Drop the dungbomb in Snape's room..." Fred said, looking in his room, "now!"

Cassie threw the dungbomb in Snape's room and not five seconds later, she heard a yell.

"BLACK! WEASLEY!" Snape's voice boomed from his classroom.

Fred and Cassie ran from the scene as fast as their feet would move and into the Great Hall for lunch.

Many heads turned when Fred and Cassie came sprinting into the hall and they sat down as if nothing happened.

"What did you guys do?" Hermione asked cautiously.

"Well-" Cassie started but was cut off by Snape.

"Black, Weasley, detention,"

"Innocent until proven guilty, Snivy," said Cassie. "Do you have proof it was us?"

He just looked at them with disgust and walked away.

"Nice," said Fred, high-fiving Cassie.

"You guys will get caught and get in trouble!" whisper-yelled Hermione.

"Who cares!" said Ron, sitting down next to Cassie. "It was great! You should have seen his face!"

Harry sat down next to Hermione, across from Cassie looking sad. "Don't worry Harry, everyone makes a big fuss about Hogsmeade."

"Yeah, Cassie's right," said Ron with food in his mouth. "But the sweetshop's pretty good, and Zonko's Joke shop is frankly dangerous, and the Shrieking Shack's always worth a visit."

"Not helping, Ronald"

When Harry woke up Halloween morning, he was thoroughly depressed but he tried his best to cover it up.

Cassie, on the other hand, was meeting up with Professor Lupin when everyone else is at Hogsmeade

"We will bring you guys as much candy as we can carry from Honeydukes," said Ron.

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