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Chapter 21: The Summer

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Chapter 21: The Summer

(Flashbacks in italics)

The summer between third and fourth year was the best one so far for Cassie and Harry.

For the first time ever, Harry could see his friends whenever he wanted. So on a regular basis, Ron was over. Some of his other friends like Seamus, Dean, and Neville came to the house as well but they were still a little weary about Sirius.

Sirius helped the Grangers set up their Floo system, so Hermione could Floo to their house whenever she wanted.

Cassie had Hermione and Ginny over constantly. Even though Ginny's a year under them, she's still one of Cassie's best friends.

After they left Kings Cross, they went back to Grimmauld Place.

When they got inside, it looked like it hadn't been lived in for years, which was true. Cleaning it up was the hard part. There was dust everywhere and Remus found two Boggarts upstairs. The Weasleys stayed over for a few nights to help clean, all Molly's suggestion, and re-decorate.

The house no longer looked like a dark old house, it was now bright and happy with no curtains so all the windows were letting lots of light in. There were plants everywhere you turned and they took all the dark wallpaper down and replaced it.

Harry and Cassie each picked up new hobbies over the summer.

One morning, Cassie was walking down a hallway she had never been down.

At the end of the hallway, she walked into a room. The room had a large mirror covering a whole wall and a bar for dance. There was a closet and when she opened it, all types of dance shoes fell out.

"Dad!" shouted Cassie.

"You called?" said Sirius, walking into the room.

"What is this room?" she said.

"This," said Sirius, putting an arm around his daughter, "is the dance room. When I was a child, I had to learn Ballroom Dancing and Ballet. My horrible mother was a Ballet prodigy when she was a child."

"Could I learn Ballet?"

"Of course."

Cassie spent all the time she wasn't with her friends, in the dance room. For the first few weeks, she had an instructor but she was picking up so fast, that she just danced on her own in the room.

Harry, on the other hand, found many of Sirius's journals and decided to keep one himself. He wrote all about the adventures he and his friends have been on and about his friends. Cassie likes to tease him that it's a diary but he always throws her over his shoulder and tackles her on his bed.

Cassie and Harry have gotten extremely close over the summer and everyone but themselves see it's more than friendship. Sirius took it into his own hands to give Harry the threatening dad talk.

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