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Chapter 1: The Leaky Cauldron

"FREDRICK, GEORGE, AND CASSIOPEIA GET DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT!" Molly's voice roared from the kitchen.

"Yes, Molly?" Cassie said with a smile as she walked down the stairs of the Burrow, followed by Fred and George. 

Cassiopeia Hope 'Weasley' walked into the kitchen, the letter her muggle family sent still in her hand. Although Cassie had wizarding parents, they died early on in her life therefore she was sent to live with a nice muggle couple, Mike and Jane Kowalski. Once she turned eleven, Albus Dumbledore once again moved her to live with a new family, the Weasley's. They were happy to take her in and she felt like part of the family within days. Going into her first year in Hogwarts, she was surprised to find that she was referred to as 'Cassie Weasley' instead of 'Cassie Kowalski' in the sorting even though that was the name she went by in primary school. Three years later, Cassie was preparing herself for her third year at Hogwarts.

"Why is Percy's hair pink?" She asked with less volume in her voice.

"I don't know! Ask Fred and George!" Cassie said as she put her hands up in surrender.

"Fred? George?" Molly asked hesitantly.

"Yes, we did turn his hair pink," Fred replied.

"But you see," George said not noticing the death glare being thrown at him from Molly. "He was acting like a pompous prick so it was justified."

"Language!" Cassie said as she snickered.

"Like you are any better!" He retorted.

"Hey! Molly is still mad at you!" Cassie said motioning to a fuming Molly.

From there, Molly went ballistic. It was so loud, it shook the whole house. While Fred and George were getting yelled at, Cassie snuck away to wake up Ron.

"Ron!" She said as she whacked him with a pillow.

"What?" He grumbled as he turned around to look at her.

"We are leaving to go to the Leaky Cauldron in two hours. Have you even packed?" Cassie asked.

"No, have you?" He said pointing an accusing finger at her.

"Yes Ronald, I have been packed since I found out we are going!" Cassie retorted.

A low "Oh" was all Ron could get out before Cassie dragged him out of bed.

"Bloody hell! What are you doing?" Ron practically cried.

"Waking you up," Cassie said as she turned to look at him "It seems you need assistance?"

"I'm up! I'm up!" Ron said as he was getting up.

Cassie walked out of his room to go get dressed. As she passed the bathroom, she could hear a raging Percy, trying to wash the pink out of his hair.

"Nice hair Perce!" Cassie said as she passed the bathroom.

"It's not funny!" He replied.

"Sure," She said as she locked the door to her room.

After she got dressed, she heard pecking at her window. Cassie turned to see Hedwig, Harry's owl, with a letter addressed to her.


I heard you were coming to the Leaky Cauldron today, Hermione got here yesterday and she hasn't shut up about seeing you. I am excited to see you as well. I blew up my aunt. I haven't told Hermione. See you soon.

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