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Chapter 22: The Portkey

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Chapter 22: The Portkey

Cassie felt as though she had barely lain down to sleep in her old room when she was being shaken awake by Molly.

"Time to go, Cassie, dear," she whispered, moving away to wake Ginny, who was bundled up in blankets. Ginny muttered indistinctly as her mother roused her.

At the foot of Cassie's mattress she saw Hermione, organizing one of Ginny's drawers.

"You've really got to clean up more, Gin," she said.

"Mhm," Ginny said into her pillow.

They dressed in silence, too sleepy to talk, then, yawning and stretching, the three of them headed downstairs into the kitchen with Vienna trotting happily behind them. Molly was stirring the contents of a large pot on the stove, while Arthur was sitting at the table, checking a sheaf of large parchment tickets. He looked up as the girls entered and spread his arms so that they could see his clothes more clearly.

He was wearing what appeared to be a golfing sweater and a very old pair of jeans, slightly too big for him and held up with a thick leather belt.

"What d'you think?" he asked anxiously. "We're supposed to go incognito — do I look like a Muggle, Harry?"

"Yeah," said Harry from across the table, "very good."

"Where're Bill and Charlie and Per-Per-Percy?" said George, failing to stifle a huge yawn.

"Well, they're Apparating, aren't they?" said Molly, heaving the large pot over to the table and starting to ladle porridge into bowls. "So they can have a bit of a lie-in."

"So they're still in bed?" said Fred grumpily, pulling his bowl of porridge toward him. "Why can't we Apparate too?"

"Because you're not of age and you haven't passed your test," snapped Molly.

"You have to pass a test to Apparate?" Harry asked.

"Oh yes," said Arthur, tucking the tickets safely into the back pocket of his jeans. "The Department of Magical Transportation had to fine a couple of people the other day for Apparating without a license. It's not easy, Apparition, and when it's not done properly it can lead to nasty complications. This pair I'm talking about went and splinched themselves."

Everyone around the table except Harry winced.

"Er — splinched?" said Harry. Although he had lived with a Wizarding family all summer, there were still things he hadn't learned yet.

"They left half of themselves behind," said Arthur, now spooning large amounts of treacle onto his porridge. "So, of course, they were stuck. Couldn't move either way. Had to wait for the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad to sort them out. Meant a fair old bit of paperwork, I can tell you, what with the Muggles who spotted the body parts they'd left behind. . . ."

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