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Chapter 20: The Innocent

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Chapter 20: The Innocent

As the group entered Hogwarts, they went straight to Dumbledores office.

"What's the password?" asked Hermione.

"Let me see," said Cassie. "Lemon Drops, Chocolate Frogs, Sugar Quills-"

Then, the statue started turning, and it revealed a long staircase up.

"Wait," said Cassie, halting everyone. "Dad, turn into a dog."

"Why?" asked Harry.

"I don't want to scare Dumbledore."

The group made their way up the stairs. It took slightly longer than it should have because they were helping Ron, who refused to go to the Hospital Wing because he wanted to make sure Peter got what he deserved.

Once they made it to the top of the staircase, they saw Dumbledore sitting in his chair.

"Hello," he said. "What brings you here?"

"Please Professor," said Cassie. "We need the Minister here and some Veritaserum."

"May I ask why?" Dumbledore said, glancing at Peter.

"I think this is better left unspoken until the Minister gets here."

"Alright," said Dumbledore.

He got up and went over to the fireplace. He grabbed some Floo Powder and was pulled away by the green flames, illuminating the room.

Sirius barked and started chasing his tail.

"When you are in dog form, I will call you Snuffles," said Cassie, bending down to pet him.


After twenty minutes, Dumbledore returned with a vial of Veritaserum and the Minister of Magic.

"What is so important that you needed to wake me?" he asked the group.

"Minister," started Lupin. "We have Peter Pettigrew here and he is the real traitor. Sirius Black is innocent."

"I don't believe it," scoffed Fudge. "Unless we have Black here, it cannot be proven."

"Shut your eyes please, Minister," said Lupin.

"Why should I-"

"JUST DO IT!" The whole group said in sync.

"Alright," and when the Minister's eyes were closed, Sirius transformed back into a human, sat in a chair, and let Lupin rope him down.

Dumbledore looked at the group with raised eyebrows but didn't say anything.

Once Sirius was fully roped down, Dumbledore told Fudge to uncover his eyes.

Once he did, he screeched and shouted, "Sirius Black! In the castle!"

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