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Chapter 5: The Flight of the Fat Lady

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Chapter 5: The Flight of the Fat Lady

In no time at all, Defence Against the Dark Arts had become most people's favorite class. Only Draco Malfoy and his gang of Slytherins had anything bad to say about Professor Lupin.

"Look at the state of his robes," Malfoy would say in a loud whisper as Professor Lupin passed. "He dresses like our old house-elf."

But no one else cared that Professor Lupin's robes were patched and frayed. His next few lessons were just as interesting as the first. After boggarts, they studied Red Caps, nasty little goblinlike creatures that lurked wherever there had been bloodshed: in the dungeons of castles and potholes of deserted battlefields, waiting to bludgeon those who had gotten lost. From Red Caps they moved on to kappas, creepy water-dwellers that looked like scaly monkeys, with webbed hands itching to strangle unwitting waders in their ponds.

Cassie wished the other classes were as good as her godfathers. Worst of all was Potions. Snape was in a particularly vindictive mood these days, and no one was in any doubt why. The story of the boggart assuming Snape's shape, and the way that Neville had dressed it in his grandmother's clothes, had traveled through the school like wildfire, and Cassie may or may not have tipped off some Ravenclaws in the courtyard. Snape didn't seem to find the famous boggart story funny. His eyes flashed menacingly at the very mention of Professor Lupin's name, and he was bullying Neville worse than ever.

In the middle of one class, Seamus Finnigan made a comment relating to the boggart, which caused Snape to assign an essay on a potion of our choice. Normally, everyone would hate on the person who made the comment but because it made Neville feel better, nobody minded.

"Hey, 'Mione," Cassie said, gathering her things for the free period. "I am going to go to the library to get my essay for Snape done, want to come?"

"Oh, yes, let me grab my things," she said, running up the stairs to their shared dorm.

When Hermione came back down the stairs, they started their journey to the library, discussing what potion they were going to do their essay on.

"I think I am going to do Pollyjuice, easy enough, right?" said Cassie, being shushed by Madam Pince.

"Yes, that is quite easy," said Hermione, placing a large stack of books on the table. "I think I will do Liquid Luck, we aren't due to learn about it until our sixth year but I want to get a head start."

"Of course you do," said Cassie, "I am going to go grab the Pollyjuice book we used last year, it's in the back, right?"

"I believe so," said Hermione droning off, sinking into a new book.

Cassie chuckled to herself as she made her way to the back of the library.

"Let me see," said Cassie, browsing the titles.

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