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Chapter 9: The Map

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Chapter 9: The Map

Madam Pomfrey insisted on keeping Harry and Cassie in the hospital wing for the rest of the weekend. They didn't argue or complain, but Harry refused to let anyone throw out the pile of (what used to be) their broomsticks. Cassie understood why Harry felt like this, he lost one of the first things he ever got in the wizarding world. Even though they were beyond repair, Harry still wouldn't give them up.

They had a stream of visitors, all intended to cheer them up. Hagrid sent them a bouquet of earwiggy flowers that looked like cabbages, Ginny came and gave Cassie a homemade card but when Harry asked if she made him one, she just said "Oh, I forgot you were here too,". The Gryffindor team turned up again, accompanied by Wood, who told Harry (in a hollow, sort of dead voice) that he didn't blame him for the loss, and applauded Cassie for the only shot she made, due to the rain. Ron and Hermione refused to leave unless it was nighttime, but nothing anyone said would ease Cassie's nerves about the black dog that she has been seeing continuously.

The only person she told was Harry, who has been seeing the same dog. He said that he also saw the dog watching her at the game and that's what distracted him when he was searching for the snitch. If they told Hermione, she would scoff and say it was a stray, and if they told Ron, he would panic and tell them they were going to die.

In Harry's case, every time he saw the dog, it was before a near-death experience. The first time was when he almost got run over by the Knight Bus, and the second was when he fell from the sky. That wasn't the case for Cassie, though, she had been just seeing it randomly.

Then, there were the dementors. Cassie felt a pang of great sadness and usually fainted when near them, but she wasn't close enough to faint, thank Merlin, and she was able to slow Harry down from his fall. Harry was embarrassed. Everyone else knew dementors were unpleasant, but they didn't faint near them or hear screams like Harry and Cassie.

When Harry told her that he could hear the screams of his Mom when she died, Cassie came to the conclusion that the man she heard on the Hogwarts Express was her father.

But that still stumped Cassie.

It was a relief to return to the bustling noise of the rest of the school instead of being cooped up in the infirmary on Monday. Even though they had to deal with Draco Malfoy's taunting, it was better than lying awake in the night, hearing the sound of her father shouting, echoing in her mind. Malfoy was overjoyed with Gryffindor's defeat. He celebrated by taking off his bandages and imitating Harry falling off his broom with both his arms. He spent most of the next Potions class doing Dementor imitations from across the classroom. Ron finally cracked and flung a large, slippery, crocodile heart across the room, that hit him square in the face. Although Snape took away fifty house points, nobody cared, they all praised Ron for getting back at Malfoy.

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