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Precap-Sidjeet,fainnat,ari and rits together went to SR Mansion.

When sidjeet,fainnat,ari and rits saw the mansion their jaw dropped and was staring at the mansion with wide eye's and many guards standing.

They were staring at the mansion when one guard saw them and went to them and asked

G-who are u people?And whom are u to meet?

Then sid was the first one to stop staring at the.mansion and answered the guards.

Sid-we are here to meet aarav,bhavesh,avneet and reem.

When sid answered others also stopped staring at them mansion and became consious.

G-ohk.So u are the people.Welcome to SR Mansion.

All-thank you!

Then the guard took them inside the mansion and they went through a checking and then put his finger print and then pressed the bell.

Meanwhile ARCHIVERS were watching all this with a little bit shocked and were in confusion and were thinking why there are soo many guards and security to the mansion.

The door was openedby a servant he asked the guard.


G-they are the DEVIL'S friends.

Servant nodded and asked the guards to leave and called ACHIVER'S except abhinavi inside and took them to the living room and asked them to sit and went to call khushi.

In Arshi's room

Khusi was reading a book when someone knocked the door and she said come in.


Ser-mam DEVIL's frnds are here.

Khushi nodded her head in yes and told.

K-okay!I'm coming.

Then servant nodded and left.

In the music room

DEVIL's were talking.

Avu-guys we should plan next wat we should do and execute it.

Bhav-but how will we recognise him.

Aru-dont wry I have told jack and he will bring us information about him tommorow.

Reem-ohk!!Hope this will end soon.I cant wear that boring clothes everday yr and those two bitches how dare they insult us and call us middle class and gold digger,after finishing him I'll show them who we are.Then they will  realise whom they messed up with.

Avu-ohk guys leave that come lets do practice.Guys I have written a new song and will sing it now and aaru have a live concert next week remember.

Aru-yep come lets realise our stress.

And Avu started singing the song in her melodious voice

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