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Precap-ACHIVERS saw avneets torcher and she explained them about their training and went home.

DEVIL'S and ACHIVERS went home and saw Arshi and vibha talking to eachother.

DEVILS and ACHIVERS wished them and avreem went towards arnav and sat down put their head in his lap and aarav and bhav went towards khushi and sat down and  put their head in her lap and asoon as they put their head in Arshi's lap they carses their hairs lovingly.

ACHIVERS nd Vibha were watching them with a smile.

After few mins arnav asked.

Arn-how was the day.

Reem looked at him and answered.

Reem-nothing much pops went to the den torchured a person and explained  them(pointing towards ACHIVERS) about their training and back home.

Bhav-yep it was boring.

Aarav-wat were u  people doing ?

K-were recalling our college days.

Avu-ohkk.Popss why dont we go for a holiday it has been a long time we went.

Reem-yess popss this time my turn to choose the place.

Bhav-no mine last time u decided.

Arav-no mine last time u decided.

Reem-no u.

Like this they were fighting like kids and Arshi sighned as this was normal for them to watch them fighting like kids.

While ACHIVERS nd vibha were shocked seeing them fighting like kids and were confused seeing why they were fighting.

Avu had enough so she shouted.


And the 3 of them went on mute.

And avu spoke.

Avu-this time mom and pops will decide where we will go so shut up 3 of u.

And turned towards Arshi nd spoke

Avu-mom dad this time u decide where will we be going ohk.

Arshi nodded their head and said ohk.

And till then sofia(servant) came and told khushi that the lunch is ready and asked them to come and khushi nodded and told her to go they are coming and turned towards ACHIVERS nd DEVILS nd spoke.

K-children go freshn up nd come the lunch is ready ohk.

And they nodded and left to their rooms.

And Arshi nd vibha went towards the dining room and was waiting for ACHIVERS nd DEVILS.

ACHIVERS nd DEVILS freshned up nd went to the dining room and settled down and had their lunch and went to their room to rest.

Heyy guyss!!!!

Wats uppp???

Hope u like the chp and if u do then dont forget to vote nd comment how was the chp.

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Till then


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