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Heyy guyss!!!
Wats up??
How're u all??
I hope ur doing good.😊😊

I'm sry guys I could not upload from many days as I was busy,so I'm sry guys.But dont wry I will update on alternate days from now.And once again sry guys for not updating.

Ohk enough of my bak-bak

Sit back nd enjoy the chp nd dont forget to vote nd comment how was the chp.
Precap-Sidneet reached the mall nd saw........

They saw reem nd bhavesh pulling each others hairs nd aarav trying to seperate them while arshi nd vibha was enjoying their show while the ACHIVERS except sid were seeing them with shock nd their jaws down.

Seeing this even siddharth was shocked nd avu was shaking her head as it was common for her to see them like this nd started to move towards them.

Avu went nd hold reem's nd bhavesh's hand nd stood in between them nd gestured aarav to hold bhavesh to which he nodded nd held him.

Then avu turned towards them nd asked.

Avu-what happen yaar why were u fightinflg now??🤔🤔

Reem-yr avu not me this time this gadhe ka bacha started.

Bhav-wth! How dare u call me ghade ka bacha u chudail.🤪😡

Reem-chudail wth!!!😡😠😠

Avu seeing them starting another fight interupted the nd spoke

Avu-why the hell were u people fighting tell me first shouted in anger.

Reem nd bhav gulped as she was angry nd saw each other nd signelled nd spoke.

Reem-nothing neet we were just giving mom dad entertainment u thoght we were fighting.

Bhav-ya we were bored so thought of entertaing them nd u thought we were fighting so bad yr.

Arshi nd vibha hid their smile as they saw the drama nd thoght of interupting before they again start.

So khushi spoke

K-barbies come lets go nd shop its been a long time we are standing here come lets go in.

Nd turned towards others nd also called them to come in.

K-children,arnavji,vibha come lets go.

Nd started walking while avreem started walking beside her nd arbhav arnav nd vibha were behind them.

ACHIVERS were first shocked when they revealed their identity to them nd when they went to shopping while travelling the saw a different shade of reemrubhav nd their childish side infront of arshi nd vibha nd when they reached the mall they saw reem nd bhavesh fighting like kids nd aarav trying to stop them nd arshi nd vibha enjoying their fight.And they all saw how reem nd bhavesh are scared of avu's anger.They were totally shocked but could not do anything so started moving inside behind arbhav,aarav nd vibha.







The End!

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