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Precap-Ari rits speak rubbish about avreem.Arshi roared like a protective mother father ,lion lioness.

Every one gets shocked seeing Arshi especially ACHIVER'S as they are seeing ASR in his full form and khushi who was sweet few hours ago is now in KASR in full form.

Ari and rits gets very scared as they have seen ASR and know his anger as everyone in the world know about his anger and he can even kill the person who tries to harm his family,especially seeing khushi in KASR form sent chills as they did not except her to be like this as she was all sweet with them few hours back.

Arshi together come towards them giving dangerous  deadly look to ari rits and their cold eyes were sending chill's down their spines.

Arn-how dare u two talk about my princesses like that haan asked in cold dangerous voices shouted which sent chill's down their spine and making their legs tremble.

K-how dare u haan for the daughter whom we have not yet raised our voice u speak shit about them haan shouted in cold dangerous voice.

Arn-For the daughter whom I burn the whole world if anyone tries to harm them and u two made her cry.I think u should have not done this mistake said in cold dangerous voice.

Ari&Rits-I'mmm ssssoooorrrryyyyy said in shivering voice as their whole body was shivering.

K-noo.Ur sry cannot change anything now.

Arn-As now u have made them cry u will be punished as no one has ever been.

All the time DEVIL'S were very shocked hearing this and when rhey heard arnav giving them punishment till now no one has ever suffered as they know they cannot handle it.

So avreem looked at each and nodded and thought to stop them from giving punishment and walked forward.

Avu walked towards arnav and reem walked towards khushi.


As avu called arnav he closed his eyes to control his anger and turned towards avu.

When arnav turned avu hugged him with all forces and started sobbing and even arnav hugged her protectively.

Avu-papuu plsszz leave them this time plsszz for me.If they do like this next time I will not stop u pakka plsszz for now for me leave them please if they speak to me like this next time I promise they will face THE AS but for now plsszz leave them said while hugging him and sobbing.

Arnav can see everything but cannot see tears in his princesses so he agreed as he knows avu keep's her promise.

Arn-ohk but this is the first and the last time if next time this happens I'll burry them alive ohk.Only for u I have left them.

Avu-broke the hug and looked at arnav and nodded and smiled and hugged her once again.

So now lets see if khushi forgives ari and rits.

And guys if u want khushi to punish ari rits the comment for it.

Heyy guys??

Hope u liked the chapter if yes then dont forget to vote and comment how was it.

Guys this chapter is for @ikrafathima9A as she requested me to do double update very much as she read only my story so I agreed for her and the others who requested for double update.

And guys I'm really serious this time if u dont complete the goals I'm not gonna post the next chapter for sure.Actually u know it hurts when people read it but do not vote and comment how was the chapter and I have seen in my story that there will be 100+reads but not 20+ votes also.So guys I'm dissapointed.And silent reader dont be silent do vote and comment and I will not post the next chapter till the goals are completed.

~25 votes
~25 comments excluding mine

So if u guys want next chapter so comolete tge goals and silent reader please dont be silent and vote and comment how was the chapter.

Till then



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