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Helooo people!!!!
Sry guys I'm late as I had exams going on but still the last one isday after tomorrow so thought to update it todays as I'm free.
Sry for late updatee.

And guys thank you soo soo much for 10k+ views on my book.Do support it like this only nd enjoy reading it.🤗🤗

And guys dont forget to read,vote, comment how was the chp and dont forget to follow me.

Soo lets get started..........

Precap-Sidneet alone in the car nd share a little talk.

Sid turned towards avu nd asked.

Sid-what happen why did u stop the car like that.

Avu-we have reached.

Then sid saw the surroundings nd nodded nd saw avu covering her face with mask nd wearing a hoddie.

He was confused so he asked about it.

Sid-why are u wearing this.

Avu started at him nd replied.

Avu-actually till know no one has ever seen AS,only few most trusted people have seen me nd that to in mask so I dont want to show my face to anyone before I complete one imp work so.

Sid nodded his head nd went out of the car nd looked upto see the mall name nd he was shocked.

Avu also came out nd gave her keys to the driver nd asked him to park the car nd saw siddharth standing in a shock.

Avu snapped her fingers infront of him nd he came back from shock nd looked at her.

Avu was confused nd asked.

Avu-what happen she aaked confusingly.

Sid-u didn't tell me that this mall is urs nd why no one is here.

Avu-first u didnt ask me about that nd it slipped from my mind nd second I ordered the mall manager to empty the mall as u know pops is buisness man nd aru famous singer soo fans maybe coming we cannot stop them nd if we stop they take it negatively nd create a huge mess thats why.

Sid-ohk come lets go.

She nodded nd both went towards the entrance of mall nd saww








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Nd be thinking what the saw.

Till then


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