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Precap-Avreemrubhav enter the college together with bodyguards and see abhinavi and sidjeet waiting for someone.

Avreemrubhav went towards abhunavi and sidjeet and wished them.



Reem-what are u doing here.

Before any one could answer jai answered.

Jai-we were waiting for the rest of our frnd.

Devils nodded their head and said ohk.

They were standing quitely when avu spoke.

Avu-guys we have to complete our admission work we will be back after its completed ohk.



Avu took them to the the last wing of the college where nobody come and looked at the 3 of them and spoke.

Avu-guyss john will give us the information in the evening and we have to go to the underground world as that is the safe place where we can discuss our plan and execute it.

Aru-ohk so we should go there after the college.

Avu-yep and I'll tell john to dicrectly meet us there no need public place.

Bhav-ohk now come lets go before any body become suspecious on us.

Reem-guys what about the guns.

Avu-dont wry about it I have taken care of it but dont show it front of people only when it is necessary u should use it and no body should know who we are till our mission is completed ohk.


Reem-yr we should finish this soon I cant wear these clothes yrr I dont feel good.

Avu-ya yrr even we dont have practice to wear these clothes and behaving middle class is completely impossible yrr.

Reem-yep I dont know how people wear this Indian dresses whole day yrr.

Aarav-ohk come now lets go.

Bhav-guyss before going group hugg.

And they had a group and went to the class.


Abhinavi and Sidjeet were waiting for fainnat and ari and rits and when they came they bid byee and went to their class.

Heyyy guyss✋✋🤗

Wats upp??

Hope u like the chp and if u did then dont forget to vote and comment how was the chp.

I'm sry guys I could not write more but dont wry next chp is very interesting and big.

            ~ 40 votes

Till then



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