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Heyy guys!!!
How are u people???
Hope ur good☺.
Now enought of my talk nd sit back nd enjoy the chp.

So lets start...

Precap-All went to the mall for shopping,nd reem nd bavesh's fight nd avu solved it.

After shoping all went home nd took rest.

Nd the next few days avu thaught ACHIVERS self defence nd protection skill's nd scretly installed an GPS in their phone nd then all packing the thing for the trip.

Next day

Everyone are at the breakfast table nd were having breakfast silently when khushi broke the silence nd spoke.

K-Doll when are we going to start for the airport???

Avu-Mom we are going to start in an hournd I have asked the DSP to clear the road from the house to our private jet.

K-ohk doll.

ACHIVERS were confused for why to clear the road nd were looking at eachother in confussion nd all looked towards abhi nd signalled him to ask.So abhi gathered courage nd asked.

Abhi-Why the road should be cleared?

DEVILS looked at eachother nd signed nd reem spoke

Reem-cause were celebrity's,nd the worlds most powerful  buisness family as u see in the whole kilometer there is only our house no one other which we have made specially so that we can enjoy nd be safe.

Nd stopped in btwn nd Arav continued

Arav-Nd noone of the people have ever seen us as we like our privacy except dad,me nd bhavesh as were actors.So it can be riskful for others life so only we 3 came in front of the world.

Nd stopped then bhavesh continued

Bhav-nd as u know that the world knows raizada's nd sehgal's have a strong relationship but no one knows what relationship they share nd The AS aks AVNEET SEHGAL who is the the world's best nd powefull buisness women nd THE MAFIA QUEEN from whom the whole world is scared nd The Princess of Music World is not in limelight from which no one has ever seen her but know about her power,strength nd respect whom the whole world gives.Even the president nd the prime ministers book their appointments 3 months before cause its not easy to meet her.

Nd stopped nd looked at reem who understood nd spoke.

Reem-whom only u that is ACHIVERS has got to know about her nd saw her except us nd her pa's otherwise no one has seen her.Nd there is danger nd she doesn't want to come in limelight till she wishes so security purpose.

Nd started having the breakfast.Abhi nodded nd also started to have his breakfast.

Althought ACHIVERS were confused why she doesn't want to come in limelight even after being so successful,rich nd powerful stayed quite nd havd their breakfast.

Elders were all the time silent cause they know the reason about it.So to break the silence arnav spoke.

Arnav-common bacchon jldi breakfast karo nd check karlo ki tum logo ne sab kuch le liya hai aur niche ajao nd then we need to leave ohk.

DEVILS-Yes Pops!!☺


Nd then all finished their breakfast nd went to check their luggage for the last time nd came down.

All came down nd Avu spoke.

Avu-everyone came so lets go to the airport.

Everyone nodded nd said Yes.

Nd all went out of the house nd saw many blue colour cars nd four black colour special cars in the middle of the cars nd went towards it nd sat inside the car.

Nd all went out of the house nd saw many blue colour cars nd four black colour special cars in the middle of the cars nd went towards it nd sat inside the car

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          Black colour special cars.

     1st car-Driver,Arshi nd Veebha
     2nd car-DEVILS
     3rd car-Abhinavi nd Sidjeet
     4th car-Fainnat nd Arshifa nd Ritika.

     1st car-Driver,Arshi nd Veebha     2nd car-DEVILS     3rd car-Abhinavi nd Sidjeet     4th car-Fainnat nd Arshifa nd Ritika

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                  Bodyguard's car

Seeing them sat in completely avu signalled the bodyguards also to sit nd told to start towards the airport to which they nodded nd followed her orders nd started towards the airport.

Nd the way towards the house to the airport where their private jet is waiting for them was totally empty.


Heyy guys!!

Hope u enjoyed the chp.

Nd if u did then dont forget to,Vote nd Comment how was it.

Till then



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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