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Precap-Khushi forgive them and intoduced sidjeet to arnav and The Devil's told sidjeet and fainnat as their frnds and patners as a group in the project.

Then khushi told arnav to freshn up and come down to which he nodded and left to their room and turened towards Achivers and spoke.

K-beta its already night so u all have ur dinner and go home ohk and I dont want to list no as ur my children's frnd.

Achivers nodded their head in yes.

Then khushi turned towards Devils and told.

K-princesses go show them the house till then I'll ask kaka to arrange the dinner ohk.

Avreem-mommy dinner in the backyard plsszzz said in baby voice with puppy face.

K-ohk first show them the whole house and come to the garden I'll inform kaka and call arnav.

Devil's-ohk and khushi left to the kitchen.

And the Devil's turned to Achivers and avu spoke.

Avu-come guyss we will show u our home.

To which they all nodded and followed them.

Then Devil's gave them whole house tour and took the to the backyard.

While the Devil's were showing the house to the Achivers ari and rits were very jealouse to see avreem's room closet and makeup room and the insult they had got today because of them had hurted their ego and were planning to take revenge.

In Backyard

After the house tour DEVIL'S and ACHIVERS came to the backyard and saw arshi waiting for them and they all went towards them and settled down and then the servants served them their dinner and they thanked them and first prayed and started to eat.

Seeing them pray before eating ACHIVERS were shocked but did not ask any thing and also started off with their dinner.

While having dinner ACHIVERS were very shocked as they were seeing the different version of The DEVIL'S and Arshi from no angle arnav looked like the famouse ruthless buisness tycoon whom the whole world is scared of and khushi looked who was when they met her in the evening.

After having dinner ACHIVERS left after bidding byee to them as it was already 10pm their parents must be scared.

And Arshi and DEVILS went to the living room and after spending a.little family time they called off the day and went to their room and slept.

Here ACHIVERS went home and informed their parents what and all happened in SR Mansion, they were shocked hearing it but did not say anything and after spending a little time with their family they called off the day and went to their room and slept.

Next Day

SR Mansion

All woke up and follwed their routine and after having breakfast left to college and office and from today avreem went to college with arav and bhav with bodyguards with them.

In Nigam Mansion

All woke up and follwed their routine and abhisidjeet went to college and vibha to office.

In college

Abhisidjeet and vaish came first as their home is near to the college and were waiting for their frnds when they saw avreemrubhav entered the college and were were walking towards them with their bodyguards and they saw reem told something to other and they all nodded and avu told something to the bodyguards and they nodded and left.

Avreemrubhav came to the college and got down the car and saw abhinavi and sidjeet waiting for someone so they thought to go to them and they started walking and reem spoke.

Reem-guyss ye bodguards ko bolo humse door rahe yrr jab zaroorat padhe tab aa aajana.It seriously feels awkward walking with them and we know martial arts know so no problem so plssz send them away.

Avu-ohk and avu called they bodyguards and spoke.

Avu-Listen we dont want u to be with us like this so chage ur clothes and keep on us and follow us from a distance ohk said in cold voice and they nodded and left.

Heyy guyss🤗🤗

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Till then



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