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Heyy guysss!!!
Happy Valentines day my readers😊

And guys thx for the suggestions it helped me a lot.
Especially Author_Nihitha dii thx for the suggestion cause I liked urs.

Ohk guys enough of my talk lets start with the chp.
And guys if u like the chp then dont forget to vote nd comment how was it.

Precap-DEVILS planning to go on a small vacation & Arshi deciding the place.


Evening everyone came out of their room and to the living room and were having their evening snacks & drinks when arnav spoke.

Arn-ohk so princess we have decided the place to go.

K-yepp its very beautiful last time we went there with mahir & bela.

And as khushi said it avu was a little bit sad nd a tear escaped from her eyes but covered it quickly nd no one noticed it except sid as they were engrosed in listening to khushi.

Reem-pops yr plsz stop the suspence nd tell tells us the place yr even we want to know about it.


Arshi-So the place is MAURITIOUS.

Reem-oh wow I have heards its a very beautiful place.I'm excited to go.

Avu-even me.

Bhav-yep so lets go there.

Aru-ya nd turned towards ACHIVERS nd vibha nd spoke.

Aru-aunty,guys do have a problem.

Vibha-no beta.


Avu-ohk so no one has any problem so we'll go after today's nd I'll ask john to make the arrangements.

All except avu-ohk said with a smile.

Then reem shouted.

Reem-wait before that we have to go to shopping.

Arbhav murmered not again but everyone could hear it.

Avu raising her eyebrow asked-whyy?

Bhav-cause last time u took the whole day to shop nd I had to go to a night shoot nd I was asleep in my vanity when my makeup was going.

Aru-yaa I had to go to the recording but because of u people I could not go as u took the whole day.

Avreem smiled sheepishly.

Avureem-plssszzzz come naa said making puppy face which no one could refuse so they nodded their head & said ohk.

Avreem hugged both of them tightly.

After breaking the hug avu turned towards Arshi,ACHIVERS nd vibha nd said.

Avu-mom,dad,aunty,guys even u come for shopping it will nice ohk.

And all except DEVILS nodded their head

And they had dinner nd went to sleep.

Next day all had breakfast nd were deciding how to go so.

1st car-Driver,Arshi,Vibha

2nd car- ACHIVERS except sid.

3rd car-DEVILS except avu.

4th car-Sidneet

All were settled in the car except sidneet so Arnav told them to come together nd both nodded their head nd sat on the car.

Avneet was in the driving seat nd sid in the passenger seat.

It was awkward for them as they have not talked to eachother,so sid thought to relax the tension nd have a conversation with her.

Sid-Avneet how much time will it take to reach.

Avu-20 mins.


And there was a silence for a minute nd sid spoke.

Sid-thx for saving us from the goons that day.

Avu with a small smile answered-its ohkay.

Sid-so frnds nd forwarded his hand.

Avu thought for a while when sid saw her thinking he thought that maybe he did it so he was taking his hand back when avu held his hand,he was feeling butterfly in his stomach when avu spoke.

Avu-frnds with a beautiful smile.

And sid also smiled seeing this nd was lost  in avu's dreamland when avu stoped the car with a jerk and he came out of his dreamland.

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Till then


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