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In SR Mansion
Girls Pov
In a room a girl is sleeping peacefully and listening to the aarti she wakes up and goes down and see's a man,a lady singing,two boys and a girl is present and she joins the aarti.When the lady finishes the aarti and turns towards them and smiles brightly and comes to distribute prasad and tells the two girls and boys and man to get ready and come for the breakfast and come.
Then get ready and come for bf.
End of girls pov.
Then girl 1 say
G1-Mom today is our first day college and we are going.
G2-yes me and avu together and bhav and aarav seperately.
L-seperately kyu tum sab saath jao na.
B1-no mom we'll go seperately and meet together in college.
B2-ye maa.
L-ohk.Arnav did u talk to the principal.
Arn-Yeah I have talked to him and told him to keep secret about avu's identity and avu,reem,aru,bhav first go to the principal and tell him ones ok.
All4-yep dad.
Avu-actully mom dad I wanted to go there as a middle class student plsszz.
Avu-I want to enjoy life as a normal student not celebrity or famous one plssszzz(with puppy face).
Khu-But u all 4 should be together.
All4-ayy captain.
They all laugh and have breakfast and left.
In Nigam Mansion
Boys pov
A boy wakes up at 6am and changes and go to gym and come back at 8 and get ready and go to dining table and see's his mother and brothers sitting waiting for him to start the breakfast he moved towards them and sat on his seat and wish other.
Pov end
B-Good morning mom ,dada,chotu.
VA-good morning sid.
Abhi-GM chote.
Jai-GM bhai.
VA-chalo jldi have breakfast and u have to go to college na.
Sid-yep mom.
Then all have bf and go to college and office(VA).
In College
ACHIVERS meet each other outside the college and go into the college with full swag and all girls are drooling over boys and all boys over girls so abhi pulls vaish through waist and walk and she chuckles and go to principal and take their timetable.

In CollegeACHIVERS meet each other outside the college and go into the college with full swag and all girls are drooling over boys and all boys over girls so abhi pulls vaish through waist and walk and she chuckles and go to principal and take the...

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