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Precap-Avu's identity reveal.Achivers shocked.


SR Mansion

Next Day

All except the DEVIL'S were sitting in the living room with their morning drink when the DEVIL'S walked down the stairs and reached living room and avreem went to arnav and arubhav to khushi and laid their head in Arshi's lap.

Arshi's caressed their hairs and khushi spoke.

K-what happen bacha.

Arn-what happen princess.

Before they could ask further avu answered.

Avu-nothingg popss,mumss we have to go to the office today we have important work and I'm thinking to giving them(pointing towards ACHIVERS) some training which will help them in case they are alone and if suddenly he attacks they should know na how to protect themselves thats it.

Reem-soo we are taking them to her den where the people practice.

Bhav-so thats why they will be accompaning us.

Aru-nothing else dont wry and dad today ur doing work from home.


Avu-that's because from tomorrow  u will have most talented bodyguards who will be today and I cant risk u to go alone that's why.


Reem-no but wut.Ur staying thats it.

Arnav knows that its no use of arguing so he raises his hands in air and says.


ACHIVERS was first very shocked by avu's real identity and this morning they saw the arrogant ASR full sweet and the person who would not bend in front of anyone bending in front of his daughters.

And when they heard avu training them they were confused and had many question in their mind but they didn't say anything and kept quite.

Then all had their break fast and then DEVIL'S and ACHIVERS went to avu's underground office.

ACHIVERS were very confused when they saw avu driving the car towards a forest but kept quite.

Then avu stopped the car near a store and asked others to follow her and there she met john(her pa).

When john saw avu coming he walked towards her and bowed his head down and wished her.

John-GM Queen.

Avu-GM john come lets go to the meeting first then I have to train them(pointing towards ACHIVERS who gave him a small smile which he returned) and I want everyone in the meeting and make sure no one misses as I hate late people.

To which he nodded and avu and reemrubhav walked and he asking ACHIVERS to follow,followed them.

Avu went near the store and pressed a button and typed a password and put her fingerprint.

The shop started to move a moved upwards and a door came.

Seeing the shop moving upwards ACHIVERS looked at it with wide eyes and their jaw touching to the floor.

Avreemrubhav moved inside but ACHIVERS did not move that john saw and called them to bring them out of shock.

Abhinavi were the first ones to come out of the shock and asked.


John-why are u people not moving.

Then abhi answered

Abhi-no actuallybwe were shocked seeing the shop go up.

Listening to abhi sidjeet,fainnat and ari rits also ce out of shock and looked at john.

John-ohh its nothing come lets go.

And he walked front and opened the door for them and spoke.

John-Welcome To The Queen's Den.

And walked with ACHIVERS following him.

Then they reached another locke door where john put his Id and the door opened.

Heyyy guysss!!!

Watsszz uppp??

How was the chp??

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Till thenn



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