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Precap-ACHIVERS in Avu's Den.

John took them where the DEVIL'S were there.

DEVIL'S were in a room with aperson sitying tied to the chair and avu was sitting opposite to him and Reemrubhav were standing back of her and avu had a knife in her hand.

ACHIVERS came and stood with Reemrubhav and john sideways to avu.

Avu-so ur telling or not asked in cold dangerous voice plaing with the knife.


And avu stabed the knife on his thigh and he shouted and ACHIVERS were got scared and vaish held abhi's hand sidjeet held eachothers hand and ari rits held each others.

Avu-So ur telling or not.

And he nodded in no.

And again she stabbed on his thigh but this time it had a deep cut.

Avu-guys what should we do next.

Reem excitedly shouted.

Reem-lets rub salt.


And avu asks one of her bodyguards to bring salt and she asked him to rub on his thigh which he rubbed and he shouted on his top of his voice.

Aaru-why dont u put hot water.

And they put hot water on him and they tourchered him a lot and avu signalled john which he understood and stood up and asked others to follow her which they did and went out of the room.

ACHIVERS were very scared and shocked to see avu's new side and were shivering especially ari rits.

And avu went to a door and put her fingure and the door opened and she sat on her chair and asked others to sit.

ACHIVERS understood that its her room as they saw THE QUEEN written on the table and her crown there.

Then avu spoke.

Avu-so guys ur training will start from tomorrow which u'll do it in the practice room at home and first learn and after u finish learning I'm gonna bring u here and ask u people to fight with my guards and if u win then ur trainig is completed and ur can take care of urself if ur attacked ohk.

ACHIVERS nodded their head in yes

Avu-ohk come lets go home.

Others nodded and left to the home.

Heyyy guyss!!!

Wats upp??

How was the chapter??

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I'm sry guys for late update cause my offline class has started and I have to go to schl and I have not completed my works so I should complete it.

But dont wry I'll post the chp when u'll complete the goals but it wont be too big so comperate with it.
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So guys complete the goals soon.

Till then


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