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Its been a couple of days since the mob boss had been locked up. Many interrogations went on. None of which ended successfully

Jungkook just sat up straight, pride filled in his face. He just stared blankly at the investigator before him

The investigator's legs were shaking. He didnt have a choice but he tried to keep composure. He wiped his face with a hankerchief

"Answer the damn question!" the investigator shouted frustratedly. That was a bad mistake.

This made the mob boss raise an eyebrow, their faces just a few cms apart

In the next second, the mob boss head butts the investigator's face, a scream of pain was followed thereafter

The mob boss had not a blotch of blood, no skin broken, no bruise.

All he did was laugh, a growl-like sound.

"dont get me mistaken for the flock of sheep you bring in here" he almost spat out

Sitting back in his seat, cooly.

The investigator was crouching down in pain, a few cops barged in, grabbing the wounded man by the shoulders

"Jungkook, when are you ever going to behave?" a red head walked in, it was hoseok

The mob boss kept a cool face, not even phased by this idiocy.

"listen Jungkook, all we need to know is the location of the black market that you so discreetly participate in, with your co-orporation you will recieve ur freedom, we will just arrest those your associated with" Hoseok stated seriously

He didnt seem like he would back out, but then again. Who trusts the police these days?

So basically he just wants the mob boss to snitch? That was never going to happen

Jungkook laughed again but then became very serious, the look on his face so intense that hoseok even shivered just abit

"When i get out of these cuffs," he glanced at the restraints on his hands and feet

Looked up hoseok with dead eyes "Im going to fuck you up" he stated

"Is that a threat?" Hoseok smiled widely, that was his version of challenging the boss

"Barely, it's what i am definitely going to do" Jungkook smiled cockily

Thats when V walked in, The mob bosses heart started to beat so fast

He looked at the younger, there was a large pause as the two eyed each other out.

Their reactions quite opposite from each other. It was V who had the look of sheer sadness etched on his face

Jungkook looked at him blank faced, as if he didnt know him. He was badly hurt, it was clear.

Hoseok looked between the two, lingering suspiciously at V especially

"Has he given you any answers?" V tried to avert the subject quickly, he sat down infront of Jungkook

V had skinny jeans on, a puffy jacket adorning his bodily structure, the fake fur rimming around the hoodie, his hair was brushed down.

"No, he is being a hard headed prideful dick as always" Hoseok walked away in anger. Ushering another cop to stand outside the door

"Jungkook, I want the location of the black market you have been selling illegal drugs to-"

Jungkook punched the table so hard, it actually cracked open on his side

"i want you out of my sight Kim Taehyung, before i kill you" he threatened with grinded teeth, the mob boss looked so handsomely dangerous

Taehyung flinched but rolled his eyes after "what happen to mister dont care Jungkook?" Taehyung grinned, taunting the mob boss

Jungkook flexed his jaw, he grabbed onto the collar of Taehyung, the rough grip pulling taehyung onto the table

His front shirt held tightly in a ball by Jungkook, their faces inches apart

"I said leave me the fuck alone" he seethed out, the veins popping from his neck and arms meant he was all business here

Taehyung stared at the older's lips and felt the sparkles he always felt when jungkook touched him

"Alright that's enough" In came hoseok, pushing the two apart. Jungkook stood tall, a sheen on sweat could be seen under his collar

Tae, clearly still flustered.

Hoseok clicked his fingers and two policemen walked in and ushered the mob out the room

He watched as the boss left without even glancing.

It felt like a pang of sadness hit Tae's heart.


2 days later

Taehyung was on the night shift, he intentionally went to the camera room

He put on camera 3, there he saw the dark haired standing by the cell bars. His floor being empty cause most of the people in here were friends of his. They would literally kill a couple wardens just to help him out

He stood there for a while, before laying in bed

Taehyung sat on the chair, he sighed. A sniffle came from his nose and he felt like he wanted to cry like a little baby, he quickly sterned up. Suppressing his little

Taehyung was specifically chosen for this mission for his able to control being little

This whole thing was sad and all, but jungkook needed to be stopped. He was a bad person

He was definitely good to me but he was a demon to others

That however did not stop taehyung from actually growing feelings for a villain

A criminal.

He looked at the camera again and couldn't help but feel so awed by this mob boss


Sorry for the long wait my baddies 🙏🙏

What do you think is going to happen?

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