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"Oh,You'll see....." Jungkook spoke , guiding the little to their shared bedroom

He closed the door behind them , and headed to the edge of the bed where he sat down , a confused Tae Tae in between his legs

He pointed to the pink chart stuck on the wall and told taehyung to go over there

"Go tell me which rule you broke" he stated bluntly , already knowing which rule .

Taehyung walked over to the chart , reading the rules one by one although some he didn't actually understand "Rule nwumber 5" the little said looking over his shoulder

"Read out that rule to me Princess" Jungkook urged him to carry on

"No bwad words , fwirst off-" he couldn't pronounce the word

"Offence" Jungkook chose to help him where need be.

"Offwence is a ve-"


"A vwerbal warning , second offwence is spwankings , thwird offwence daddy washes your mouth out with swoap" he struggled throughout , Jungkook found it really amusing

"How many times did you use a bad word?" The raven raised a questioning eyebrow

Taehyung's face scrunched up "two" he answered , Jungkook told him to come closer , the little followed orders and went over to him

"How many spanks should I give you?" He asked , the little shrugged , genuinely not knowing what spanks are , or maybe Jimin has smacked his butt a few times but never for discipline

"Ok , what's your favourite number baby?" He grinned , Taehyung smiled immediately knowing his favourite number

He picked up 5 fingers .

"5 spanks per bad word which gives us a total of 10 spanks,  pull your pants down princess" Jungkook grabbed onto the youngers hips

Tae was abit shy but still pulled his pants on to reveal his pastel pink princess panties , Jungkook groaned , this was a damn turn on

How sick in the head was he to find a child , well a child mentally , sexy?

Especially a boy dressed in panties? However he didn't care

He lifted his one knee up and bent Taehyung over his leg in a flash , earning a girly scream from the little

Jungkook rubbed circles on the plump ass .

"Count for daddy okay ??" He requested and the little nodded

Jungkook raised a hand , mid-air and brought it down with a loud 'Pat'

Not too hard but hard enough to learn a lesson.

"Owchie!" The little squealed uncomfortably

"Didn't daddy say count" jungkook growled and immediately Tae said 'one'

He lifted his hand up and brought it back down , a little harder this time


by now Taehyungs ass cheeks hurt , it burned , it was painful , little tears formed in his eyes , his thighs began to ache and also his back

"One more princess , can my baby boy take it?" Jungkook growled , he was definitely holding himself back , he knew he was 10 times far more worse then normal

The little nodded .

"Use your words babyboy"

"Yesh daddy"

And down came the last spank.



Spankings are no joke

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