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"Really? Why would you name him Gukkie baby?" The older male felt amused and honour somehow

"Toz it look like daddy" (I say toz instead of coz) the younger explained , he lifted the bunny and stared at the Bunny's big brown eyes and wiggled it around with a series of googly sounds

Jungkook felt his insides burn with pride , without thinking he grabbed the little roughly and pulled him flush against the olders front , Taehyung let out a girly scream

Kook eyes the lamb with hunger , he's never felt so needy before , so riled up with emotions that he wants to just hit something or rather squeeze the living daylights out of the little in front of him

Jungkook put the hoodie of the Onesy on for Taehyung , lamb ears flopping up in the air and strands of his brown-blonde locks stuck out of the slightly tight hoodie , it made Tae's cheeks puff up more

The older rubbed his face against the littles cheek , the baby's skin was so soft and lush , you could caress it all day and just fall asleep , jungkook placed a tender kiss on the smallers ear , a lingering kiss

His breath blowing into his ear and Jungkook licked the shell of His ear , the younger gasped , and giggled just a little bit

All was interrupted when the doors of the room burst open with Kim Jisung , Jungkook grabbed the younger and hid him behind his back before pulling out a gun from his belt and pointed it to the new man in the room

"How dare you fucking walk into 'my' own house like that , if its a death wish your asking for then congrats its granted!" The Raven seethed angrily and was about to pull the trigger when Jisung ran forward "No,No! Sir I came with good news ! I promise to you" he said quickly with short breaths

Jungkook was still going to pull the trigger but realised that his Princess was in the room , he bit his lip angrily before nodding at Yoongi

Yoongi growled before walking behind Jisung and kicking the back of his knees so that he would fall down "Show your respects you scum , you know the drill" the ash blonde held a warrior pistol behind Jisung's head

The new man nodded madly , he was covered in tattoos from head to toe , he is a Japanese tattoo specialist who found himself part of South Korea's 'Black feather' house

The man crawled his way to Jungkooks foot and kissed the tip before reaching out for Jungkooks hand to kiss the rings that adorned the Mafia boss's fingers

This was a sing of respect and a way of granting permission for people to speak , Jisung bowed his head in respect "Boss , your rival *name of gang* has fallen from the black Market , their leader is dead as per your orders . The now leader-less members wish to join our gang to expand" Jisung smiled as he spoke , he looked like a dog waiting for his master to present him with a treat

Jungkook wasn't shocked nor surprised , all his plans worked and if not he would eradicate the problem completely off the face of the earth

"What else?" Jungkook stood with dominance , his entire being demanding domination "The Jung gang and Kim gang wants to meet with you boss to try and make a compromise or a trues of some sorts , thats all ive been told sir - please grant me your blessing to leave" Jisung bowed his head again

Jungkook eyed him before gesturing for Yoongi to sort it out , Yoongi kicked the man's leg to get him up and get out

Kim and Jung group huh? How lovely , the Kim and Jung gang came second and third most feared before his own gang , he wanted to know to whom did he owe the pleasure

Jungkook was interrupted by something pulling at his pants , he looked down to see the little lamb biting his finger and eyeing the gun

The little pointed to the gun and looked up to Jungkook with the most precious expression he ever saw

" I play?"

Jungkook wanted to choke , his eyes widened before raising an eyebrow and pulling out the barrel and putting the lock on before handing it to the little with a smirk

"Take care of him" The boss ordered to Jimin before attempting to exit the room

"Yoongi keep an eye on these two..." He demanded

"With pleasure" the ash blonde grinned before looking at the flustered Mochi


Sorry its been a while

Guys this book will have themes of "sugar daddy" and "pedophilia" and if your not comfy with that please leave

Without leaving your unwanted comments , if your fine with the theme then awesome - your as freaky as me

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