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"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" a girlish scream was heard , the mob boss and the little froze

Both looked at each other curiously , the younger looked blank , probably still tired

He began walking to the door , the older following close behind to investigate , the lights downstairs were turned on and doors were heard opening

The little walked all the way to the stairs and paused , he rubbed his eyes before looking up at the mob boss , he reached his hand out so the older could take it

The older did , and helped the little walk down the stairs , by the time they reached the bottom step , a group of people were huddled outside Jimin's room

"What the hell is going on ??" The Mafia boss's voice was like a rude awakening , everyone look at his "sorry boss but this weasel started screaming" a member of the gang pointed at the Mochi who sat rocking back and forth on the floor

Jungkook's jaw flexed , only one person could enter his mind


"Where's Yoongi??" He asked through gritted teeth , and just in time , an annoyed Yoongi made his way through the crowd , he had a menacing snarl

Yoongi was jokey when he wanted to be , but no one ever messed with his sleep , because If someone ever did , they would have hell to pay and majority of the time it would be with a warrior pistol bullet in their head

"Who the fuck disturbed my sleep!!" He seethed , pulling out a gun from his boxers

Getting ready to shoot , someone pointed at the Mochi , he cocked the gun , Yoongi almost had a split personality when he was angry or disturbed from his sleep

Getting ready to shoot , someone pointed at the Mochi , he cocked the gun , Yoongi almost had a split personality when he was angry or disturbed from his sleep

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someone appeared and clicked their tongue , seokjin

He went to the orange haired , kneeling next to him and helping him stand , his hands were still shaking , the men began cat calling once they noticed that Jimin was wearing a white sleep dress

His thighs and collar bones on full display "Hey ? What happen to you?" Jin asked the younger politely and gently "T-there was a m-mouse crawling up my l-leg" he stuttered

In that moment the mouse ran out of the room and Jimin squealed utterly distraught and jumped onto Yoongi

Next thing was a gun shot and the mouse lay dead on the floor in a pool of blood , "all this screaming for a damn mouse?!" Yoongi seethed at him
"Go on men!" Jungkook shouted , everyone like ants began to leave and head to their own rooms

"Get to bed Yoongi , Jimin" the raven ordered

"With pleasure!" The ash blonde rolled his eyes before turning and walking off but was stopped by a trembling hand and pulled back

It was the younger orange head that was shaking with fear , he looked like he was about to cry "Could I ... Sleep in your room ?" He stuttered

The ash blonde grabbed his chin and smirked tiredly "I thought you would never ask sexy ass" he growled out before pulling him along

Leaving the older and younger  , TaeTae somehow got near the dead animal and attempted to pick it up but was quickly stopped with a growl from the boss

He stood up and scooted back to the older and headed upstairs to sleep once again


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