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"What the hell is going on!?" The mafia boss shouted , Taehyung immediately shut up

And silence filled the room , Taehyung dropped the phone to the floor and bent his head down , an evident pout and tears falling down .

"Look at the state of this lounge Jeon ,look at the paint everywhere ! Your phone !" jin pointed at everything he mentioned with horror and shock

The raven head followed where he painted and he got angry , but looking at Taehyung pouting made it rush away but he still had to be disciplined

"Kim Taehyung" Jungkook sternly called out to the misbehaved younger , tae looked up to Jeon , regressing to a younger age , he began to wail

Fat tears falling falling down his puffy cheeks , Kook ordered Jimin with a glare "get him cleaned and leave him in my room , I'll be right there" was all he said before he left . .

Jimin walked over to Taehyung , holding him gently "what had gotten into you ?" He asked to the child who didn't plan to answer

Yoongi followed close by "it seems he wants attention from jeon" he stated , looking down at the younger . he was still crying madly , not even paying attention to his surroundings

The boss was out doing some regular business , selling his merchandise and he was visiting the black market that owed him a large sum of money

The mafia boss made his way to the said place right now , he was meeting with one of the owners .

Jeon walked swiftly with a gang of men behind him , a cigar clamped between his lips

Taking deep pulls before throwing it to the floor , he pushed open the door to the meeting room where various gang leaders sat , some of which were his enemies and some were his allies

"Jeon" the head of the table spoke .jungkook pulled out a gun an pointed it to the guys head "you will address me with honorifics pest" the raven haired spat

The man now shook with fear "sorry Sir" he stuttered

"Its pathetic and amusing thinking you could address me as a friend" Jungkook spat to the floor

"I want my cocaine , I paid good money for it , why are you working slow motion?" He looked at everyone in the room

"Sir there's a shortage of it" another man spoke up and Jungkook got really pissed at hearing that , so he simply pulled the Tigger , a bulls eye between his eyes

Everyone gasped "I should be getting my cocaine first , I pay good amounts and you guys are lucky enough to have a customer like me cause I'm the reason you all get your income" hr seethed , guiding his tongue over his teeth in irritation

He nodded to his men "take all the cocaine available here and let's get a move on ....

I have a little princess to deal with .."

Daddys little gangster[Vkook]Where stories live. Discover now