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The mob boss was on his way home , he was getting excited to teach his baby boy a lesson

He was grinning on the inside , although he was a scary ass mother fucker , he had this soft spot for his little one

He stopped over at a toy store to get Tae some new plushies , well he just sent the driver in , he didn't want to be caught dead in there .

After the driver returned with packets and packets of things that made him stumble , they were headed home .

But the mob boss didn't know he wasn't headed to a house but rather towards a disaster , he pulled out a cigarette and lit it up

With a long content pull , he grinned , he was wondering how many spanks did he need to give his little baby ?



There was still a sadistic side that wanted to hurt his baby boy

The driver finally reached the said home and Jungkook got out , stretching his hands up , bones cracking in the process

He could hear a rapid fire from inside the house and he froze , anger consumed his entire being

"Now who has the damn balls to enter my house ?" He chuckled lightly before pulled out his gun and the extra one from his gun holder , both guns occupying each of his hands

He slowly walked to the entrance , he could hear more gun shots and he kicked the door open

Both guns pointing to the back of a man dressed in leather , a jacket that looked very similar to his own

"Turn around you filthy rodent!" Jungkook hissed

Jungkook could smell Rainbow kush , and he frowned , rainbow kush was super expensive and the only person able to afford that was him

He realised the smoke was coming out from the strangers mouth , did this kunt just smoke his kush?

He gritted his teeth and was about to pull the trigger when the stranger turned around and it was none other then .... Tae

He was taller , an amused grin on his face and indeed Jungkooks prized Rainbow kush that he kept hidden

"What the fuck" the boss swore , Taehyung smirked .

He now was the age 19 , he has never been 19 , only 17 or lower

And the rainbow kush ? Had to be the reason why he acted like this.

"You naughty little baby boy" Jungkook said amused , this annoyed Taehyung "what did you call me?"

The younger voice was deep as hell and this surprised the boss very much , but he found this funny and grinned more "baby boy" he teased

Taehyung started firing at Jungkook madly , the experienced thug obviously dodged them with ease as if nothing

"Your the baby boy" Taehyung growled and Jungkook wanted to bust up laughing "that's really cute , look at your scrawny ass self baby , the only trait that manly enough is that voice of yours , otherwise princess I'm the daddy here" Jungkook mocked even more

He got closer and swiped the gun from Taehyung , making Tae smile widely before throwing a fist and successfully making the boss's head fly

Jungkook was pleased , he didn't know why , he liked power bottoms at times however he had to teach this shit a lesson

Without a second Jungkook grabbed Taehyung and they both were throwing punches until Jungkook pushed the younger up against the wall , Taehyungs front against the wall

His cheeks pressed harshly against the cold wall .

3 figures ran it , it been none other than Jimin , Yoongi and Jin

Jimin's eyes widened at the sight , his mouth opening up "V?"

"Whose V?!" The boss spat

Daddys little gangster[Vkook]Where stories live. Discover now