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The littles eyes opened slowly to be met with a sweet glowing , honey night light and a cute little mobile that hung above him with Rockets and stars

He looked around and noticed he was inside a massive crib that was a baby blue colour and the blanky was wrapped around him tightly

It was still dark but he sure as hell knew that he wasn't at his house , the big queen sized bed in the middle of the comfy room corrected his suspicions

He slowly looked around with still droopy eyes and he was arguing with himself whether he should get up or lay back down and sleep but he wanted to investigate

He was cut short when he stumbled around the crib and noticed plushies galore and he squealed into his pacifier madly before diving into the lot of cute toys . However , one cute , grey furred , long eared bunny caught his attention

He pulled it up and hugged it tightly "You'll kee' meh safeu?" He said through the dummy , words thankfully beginning to form

He nodded as if the Bunny asked him something and carefully grabbed his blanky for good measure and unlocked the hook at the corner

He was thinking to do the same old fashioned 'crying out loud until someone came to save him' but this wasn't his house

He noticed he was in a white , wooly onesie that made him look like a lamb - he loved it would be an understatement

He dragged his feet and struggled to reach up for the knob before pulling it roughly and a loud creak was heard and he winced , but this didn't stop the laughter from downstairs that he only heard up till now

He walked towards the wooden staircase that were carpeted each step

He padded one by one and began to hop and silently began to sing the tadpole song in his head


He was stopped when he heard a beautiful laughter , it was velvety and so full of control , it sounded like an evil chuckle but he was sure it wasn't intentional

He looked up from behind the staircase bars and saw the handsome , buff - ravenette

Seated with a black button up shirt and jeans with a matching black carvella shoes in which he rocked so hard .The littles eyes glazed with admiration as he watched the mans hard demeanour

He was laughing with a bunch of men who had Cigars in hand

The lounge was fogged up and his eyes squinted abit until it fell on a specific Orange haired man who made eye contact with him also

The orange haired looked relieved but then tried signalling the little to stay where he was

Taehyung was oblivious and blinded by excitement he made a run across the lounge "Minnie!!!!!!" He shouted at the top of his lungs before diving into Jimin's chest to escape the toxic smoke and he knocked a few ash trays over


Dead silence consumed the room

Jimin looked around sheepishly but lowered his head completely scared as it set on Jungkook and Yoongi who stared daggers at the little mochi

"So my baby can talk now?" That same brooding voice broke the silence and Taehyung turned around slowly to look up at the man who stood up now

Taehyungs eyes scanned the man's amazing body and blushed - not unnoticed by Jungkook

The little began to suddenly cough at all the smoke and he wondered how his poor caregiver stood and breathed here , "Put the cigars out ." Jungkook ordered and within seconds all Cigars were burnt out

"So this is the cute little lamb? So precious"

"I wouldn't mind"

"Don't blame you for wanting him man" the men drooled for the stunning baby in front of them

Jungkook grinned with pride before ordering the men to leave so he could have some alone time - well not alone time since Jimin and Yoongi had to stay

The little held onto Jimin's pinky , the raven haired saw this and growled annoyed making the room stir with silence and whimpere from Tae

"Sir , I'm so sorry that he disturbed you while you were-" "he didn't ask you to speak baby" Yoongi spat out interrupting the mochi who bit his tongue

"Come here my little lamb" the raven called out to the younger who slowly made his way to the older , he was tired and he didn't want to anger the gang boss

His little hand getting taken in Jungkooks tenderly "Did you sleep well my angel?" He rasped down at the younger who nodded eagerly

The soft locks bouncing as he did, Jungkook noticed the bunny in the youngest hands and raised an amused eyebrow "oh baby you like him?" He pointed to the stuffed toy and Taehyung looked up at the older with tearful eyes and shook his head - he though the gang boss would take him away from him

Kook comforted the younger by rubbing circles on his back "baby I'm not going to take him away - hush" he kissed the baby's forehead

TaeTae was overwhelmed and giggled

Kook lit up a cigar and leaned backwards on the sofa "let's go over some rules baby"


I'll update tomorrow

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