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Taehyung was awoken by the Mochi and the grumpy sour puss Yoongi , the little always wondered what crawled up his underwear

They started off the day with a usual shower , Yoongi stood close by , admiring the Mochi's ass as he bent over

Yoongi's ringtone echoed off the walls of the bathroom , with an irritated groan as if he's been getting calls all day , fishes the device out of his pocket

The little eyes out the magical mobile that makes noises , its far more better then his toys , he wants it

Yoongi answers his call , listening at first before a string of 'Fuck you's' 'bitch ass' 'puss' and 'Kunts' left the man's lips

Jimin was too late on covering the littles ears but hopeful that Tae didn't catch on , however ... Taehyung heard it all

Also remembering to sing it in his head like barney and friends just like how he learnt Daddy's rules

"Min Yoongi ! Tae is here !!!! Stop swearing!!" Jimin screeched , getting tired of the older's behaviour

The ash-blonde just looked at the mochi as If nothing and started texting on his phone .

Jimin couldn't believe him , he was getting cocky since he asked if he could sleep in the olders room , but no it wasn't how your thinking

The mochi took over the bed while the gangster was thrown to the floor , honestly the ash-blonde didn't care so long as he could sleep in peace

Jimin was still terrified of him since he almost put a bullet in him for disturbing his sleep .

"M-Minie-ah!" Tae shouted out with his heavy baby accent , making Jimin's heart pop

"Ne baby?" Jimin turned to the little to give attention immediately "hungwy" he patted his tummy

"Alright Taetae , let's get you out of this shower and get you something to eat?" He hummed

"Make it quick babyboy the boss is downstairs , waiting for his little lamb" Yoongi smacked the Younger's ass hard making Jimin almost fall forward
"YAHHHHH BYEONTAE!!" the orange haired shrieked before harshly picking up Taehyung even in his wet state and ran out of the bathroom

Looking through his cupboards he found a denim dungry with suspenders , a blue and red striped long sleep top for the inside and adidas shoes with a black and red stripe

His hair was left to air dry , thus forming into curls .

He slowly slipped off the bed , and took Jimin's hand to guide him to the stairs

They made their way downstairs to the kitchen where the Mob boss sat , in a black suit , a coffee cup in one hand and a newspaper with the headline "BLACK FEATHER STRIKES AGAIN"

He didn't even look up from his newspaper to look at the arrivals , the two taking their seats and Yoongi keeping watch from the doorway

Jin looked at the two with a smile "wahhhhh , how pretty is TaeTae looking today ??" He made baby noises , a tiny shy smile adorned the youngers face with red tint on his cheeks

"Hi Jin hyung" Jimin greeted , turning to the boss and bowing his head as low as he could "Good morning sir" he greeted

Jungkook still didn't acknowledge anyone , so Jimin turned to Jin again

"Please make us some eggs and Macon Jin hyung please and orange juice?" Jimin asked politely

Jin beamed with happiness , he took a special liking to the two

"Coming right up sweeties.."

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