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Taehyung cocked his head to the side in confusion .


The raven haired pulled a few puffs before gesturing for Yoongi to walk over . The ash blonde did . A pink page rolled up in hand "Okay baby , the most important rule of all - you have to address me by Daddy or Bigdaddy and not Jungkook , understood?" He bent down , placing his elbows on his knees

The younger just stared up at the handsome god , he was interrupted by the puff of smoke that got blown by his face

He coughed madly but soon nodded.

"I want words baby" Jungkook raised an annoyed eyebrow and the younger looked around the room and it settled on Jimin who ushered the younger to talk "I understan' B-b-bigD-addy" he stuttered madly and he plugged the pacifier into his mouth , angry at himself , however , the gang leader looked at him with hunger

Hearing this stunning baby call him daddy was a whole new euphoric bliss for him , he wanted to pull the younger and bite onto his fat , juicy - wet lips

He blinked several times before pulling the pink sheet from Yoongi and unwrapping it "You like pink ? Don't you baby?" He asked , he already knew it was a 'yes' because he spoke to Jimin about everything Taehyung liked

"Yesh daddy" he spoke a little easily now

"Ok here's you rules baby"

(I'll write it out for those of you who can't see it properly or don't have WiFi all the time , like me lol )

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(I'll write it out for those of you who can't see it properly or don't have WiFi all the time , like me lol )

(1)Daddy knows best . Trust and Respect Daddy always

(2)Remember your manners . Always say 'please' and 'thank you'

(3)Clean up after yourself . This includes all your toys

(4)Bedtime is at 11pm unless Daddy says otherwise (no junkfood after 10pm)

(5)No bad words
•first offence - a verbal warning
• second offence - spankings
• third offence - daddy washes your mouth with soap

(6)when going out :
• Daddy must approve of your outfit
•Be on your best behaviour
•Wait for daddy to open doors for you
•Always hold daddy's hand and stay close to him at all times
•Dont make a fuss or a scene if daddy can't buy you what you want . 'No' means 'No'

(7)Avoid men or boys who can't show you basic self respect . Always say 'no' if your not comfortable . Daddy will not tolerate anyone speaking bad to / or / about you in a negative and inappropriate way

(8)Respect your body , no self harm , no belittling

(9)you don't have to do things your not comfortable with , everything is up for discussion

(10)hygiene is extremely important . lack of will not be tolerated

(11)you Belong to Daddy . Nobody else and Obey Daddy always

(12)Embrace all of Daddy's love and wrath

(13)never hide anything from daddy , be honest with your feelings

The Raven finally came to a stop and looked up at the younger who seemed to have listened attentively "Is there any rules your not happy with baby boy?"

Yoongi nearly went slack jawed when he heard Jungkooks question because once he says something . Its final.

The younger removed his pacifier for good now and hooked it to his binky clip before looking up at the older "No daddy" his eyes held so much innocence

"Alright baby , I got it printed so it can get stuck on your - I mean 'our' room wall " Jungkook gave Yoongi the paper who went to stick it in the room

Yoongi gave a sly , cheeky smile at the young mochi and grabbed the younger by his colour , pulling him along with him

Leaving vkook alone😹🙏

The older laced his arms around the Youngest waist who blushed crimson but allowed Jungkook to press his forehead against his own "Baby , I want you to treat those rules like a holy scripture" he ordered (my bf tells me that😹 because I follow those rules . perks of having a bf with a daddy kink right)

The younger looked up "Yes daddy"

"And also , I want you to read that list of rules everyday until its stuck in your memory"

"I'll sing it daddy , eb'erday" The younger spoke and Jungkook cocked a look at the little "what do you mean sing it baby?"

"Like barney and fwends" the younger explained and the older burst out in a chuckle making Taehyung giggle furiously too even though he didn't know what they were laughing about

His soft locks bouncing and his eyes wrinkling at the side in pure happiness
The bunny came into view and Jungkook wiped a tear away from his face "baby , what will you name him?"

The little looked at the smiling gang leader and the bunny 'they look a lot alike' the smaller said in his head


The older hummed as a response

"I'll call him Gukie"


Anyone watched Jurassic world 2😻😻😻😻

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