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Third persons POV

Jimin and Taehyung were currently being introduced to the members of the gang , the younger following behind Jimin

Clutching onto the hem of his shirt out of fear , how did they end up in this situation ? Well ..Jimin somehow got himself into deep debt with south Korea's most notorious and most dangerous gang called 'Black feather'

In order for the older to pay off his debts he has to join the gang , he didn't have much of a choice when the savage Min Yoongi held a knife to his throat and threatened to kill him

Dying was not an option for him since he had a little to look after , they got shoved and pushed down the hall to a singular door

Loud music blared through it and it made the little shiver and shake in fear of what was behind the door

The silver haired Yoongi grabbed onto the door knob and gave us a challenging look before swinging the door open

Revealing a large office , book shelves and lamps and a huge mahogany desk in the middle of it all

Jimin would say it looked elegant if it wasn't for the several guns and knives thrown everywhere , bags of cocaine and heroine were on the big desk

What they didn't fail to notice was the leather chair that held a very buff , muscular skinned man

His dark raven hair hung near his eyes messily , his eyes set on the white lines set neatly on the table , a snorting straw in his right hand , he was shirtless , chizzled muscles like a Greek god and two snake tattoos that occupied each of his pecks (pic above)

His looked absolutely delectable , hot , sexy , handsome and delicious just by one look

His eyes were closed as he bent down to snort a few lines

"His here boss" Yoongi folded his arms and stood beside Jimin and Taehyung

Without opening his eyes , the man leaned back and rubbed his free nostril roughly making it turn a tint of pink "the new recruit ?" He muttered making Yoongi hum a response

The mans eyes lifted abit , hooded and dangerous

A grin formed on his face like that of a joker

"Welcome , I hear your name's Jimin , I'm Big daddy .. But you can call me Boss... "

Jimin unconsciously spoke "Your Jeon Jungkook! I mean .. The Jeon Jungkook !" He said abit excitedly making the raven haired nod in satisfaction

"Have some respect you disgusting little ..." Yoongi spat and paused to think of a harsh word but couldn't seem to find any "....Mochi!" He finally said and shifted his gaze to the floor out of irritation causing the orange haired Jimin to blush furiously at the cute name he just been called

Jungkook looked bored but suddenly perked up when he saw the tiny sized Taehyung behind Jimin , he leaned forward and placed his elbows on his knees carefully placing his chin on the knuckles of his left hand

"Whose the Princess?" He asked , causing everything to go silent

Yoongi's eyes darted to the little and violently grabbed him

Pushing him to jungkook , Tae nearly fell ontop of the elder until he felt the mans strong arms take hold of his waist protectively to steady him

Taehyungs eyes began to fill with tears , his lips trembling making the elder coo at his cuteness

"His Taetae , Kim taehyung .. His a little and im his caregiver boss" Jimin quickly fished in his pocket and pulled out Tae's pink pastel pacifier and handed it to Yoongi who snatched it and handed it to the elder

Jungkook smiled "I've heard of Little's but Ive never met one in real life .. " he muttered before pushing the nub to Tae's lips who quickly sucked on it out of nervousness and fear

His eyes still watery and nose glossy and pink , Taehyungs eyes traveled the ravens body and whimpered at the sight of the snakes on his pecks

Jungkook looked down at his own chest then back up at Tae , tears falling down his cheeks , the raven wiped the tears away

"Are you afraid of them princess ?" He asked the younger who nodded

Jungkook took hold of Taehyungs little Hand and slowly dragged it up his toned muscled stomach up to his peck where the snake was making the little whimper

"Hush baby , Daddy's got you" he whispered softly to the younger who sniffed his tears away when he finally touched the snake

Jungkook chuckled when he saw Taehyung gave a light googly smile through his pacifier , crinckles forming by his eyes and his cute nose pink and glossy as well as his cute puffy eyes

He lifted the baby's hand up to his lips and kissed the knuckles lightly

"You see baby ? It doesn't bite ... But daddy sure does ..."


How was that ?

I was writing my language paper and I wrote a one shot on this and fell in love and also I've never written in the third persons POV before for a whole book so bare with me please coz I'll be mentioning their names a lot . I know

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