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The mob boss stormed out of the house, his blood was boiling. That would be an understatement. Veins popped from his neck and arms

On his way to the car he punched the side door, causing a huge dent to form. This didn't even break the skin of the boss's knuckles.

He look at the driver and strictly told him the address and to step on it. The driver did exactly that. He stepped on the excelarator. Going much faster then any other car on the road.

It was known when sirens blared from behind the car, red and blue lights flashing within the car

The cops seemed to be on bikes, trying their best to keep up with them. The driver slowed down just a tad bit but he never was going to stop the car

As the police bikes finally drove next to the car and tried to tell the driver to stop the car but thens when Jeon rolled down the car window

The cold breeze cooling his hot cheeks and he peered to the cops before him. The cops mouths seemed to go slack jawed as they recognised him, which they did. Who didnt know who he was??

"is there a problem officers?" he raised an eyebrow trying to contain is anger, both shook their heads violently "No sir, c-carry on" the cop said before slowing his pace to move away from the car

The boss nodded in agreement before rolling up his window and waited unpatiently to go to the destination

After a couple of minutes they arrived at the address however he just went even though the letter had stated for their meeting to be tomorrow

Jungkook hated being underestimated and that was beyond disrespectful, and taking something precious to him was down right a death wish

He jumped out of the car and the driver attempted to do the same, pulling his marksman rifle from the car door but was stopped by a hand of the mob boss

"stay here, ill handle this" he bluntly stated and walked towards this warehouse looking building

"but sir-"

"have i not made myself clear!?" Jungkook burnt holes into the poor mans head with his eyes and raised his arms in questioning

The man nodded "crystal!" he placed his fingers to his lips, zipping his lips

Without a second thought the boss continued to walk to the warehouse

A few gaurds stood at the front, noticing Jungkook they began lifting their guns to shoot, but within a blink of the eye, all men lay dead on the floor without even making a peep

The silencer in Jungkooks hands indicated that, bulls eye shots in each mans head

It was absolutely impressive, Jungkook was well equiped to look after himself. He pressed his side to the door, taking the silencer and pushing it into his suit pocket

He pulled out a hand gun from the back of his pants, it was tucked there behind his belt.

He tried to hear through the crack of the door, he did hear people talking.

Men laughing and talking and he tutted, it was a huge mistake to let their gaurd down because now this was going to be too easy

Without another second to spare, he casually walked in

He met eyes with men sitting around a big round table, it was a typical cliche mob outlook.

Poker chips adorned the table surface, followed by rolled money bills, sided with lines of white powder

Alcohol bottles were all over the floor and tables. There were a couple of women sitting on the mens laps, all dolled up and giggling

Everything went silent as each gang member realized who had just walked into the warehouse

"Jeon Jun-" a bullet hole through the man's head

The boss spat in disgust "ladies in this room, remove your selves" he spoke calmly and the ladies shreaked and ran out of the warehouse

All the men in the room stared at the boss, some in utter fear and some with anger

"now now Mr Jeon Jungkook, theres no need to act out this way, we had an agreement" a tall handsome man appeared from one of the hallways

Very handsome indeed.

"its been years sewer rat, and no one makes agreements with me unless i say otherwise" Jungkook spat out venomous words

The man actually seemed hurt being called a sewer rat

The tall man looked behind jungkook, nodding his head

As if signaling something, Jungkook laughed out loud, not being able to contain his laughter

Without a thought he whipped around like lighting and there stood men with guns, they were going to shoot him in the back when the tall man gave the signal

Jungkook shot bullets through their hearts, swift and easy

Both bodies fell to the floor with loud thuds

Everyone in the room turned pale, they didnt think that would fail

Jungkook whipped around, making a straight line to the tall man

He attempted to pull a gun but was interrupted when Jungkook two feeted him to the floor (for those of you who dont know, he literally used both his feet and kicked the man in his legs) Jungkook fell with him but he swiftly got onto the man

He started swinging punches, teeth gritted in utter anger. Punch after punch after punch

"NEXT TIME PARK BOGUM (i love bogum, fight me) DONT EVER THINK THAT JEON JUNGKOOK WOULD EVER DIE FROM SUCH A COWARDICE MOVE! Trying to kill me from the back is absolutely putrid" each word, he landed a punch

The man's face bloodied and botched now, he had lost conciousness already or possibly have died from how badly he had been hit. No man even dared interfered as they watched on in pure horror and disbelief

Jungkook stopped now, his hands so bloody, he picked up a water bottle and squeezed all its contents on his hands, wiping it clean on bogums suit jacket, casually as ever.. As if he had not just killed a man with his own two hands

He sniffed and looked around, he seemed a little calmer since he got to take all his frustration out

"now... Where's daddy's baby?"


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