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That morning the mob boss had to tend to some urgent business in the black market yet again

Yoongi and Jimin were sorting out business of their own, given by the boss concerning the gangs forces and capabilities. This meant the gangs ammunition and skill sets they required to join the group

Jeon jungkook did not become one of the most dangerous killers for nothing or by himself. It was because of the gang he had behind him

Not like he couldnt handle himself. The gang members consisted of the greatest sniper shots, assassins and martial arts specialists in the whole of korea

Picking a fight with them was like signing your death contract. Each member had a black wing sleeve tattooed across their entire arm which represented that your a member, obviously needed to be greatly earned. Thus giving them the name 'black feather'

That's why it would be a great question as to who in the world would try and make black feather gang angry?

A grave mistake was about to unfold in the world of deciet and death


3rd persons POV

Taehyung regressed to the age of 3 again, he was starting to feel some sort of separation anxiety from the mob boss

He stayed silent for most of the evening and the orange haired Jimin became worried about him

"hey baby, are you okay?" he questioned the younger who didnt touch his granola and yoghurt yet

Jin seemed to noticed the youngers dull mood too, he raised and eyebrow of worry

The smaller let out a big sigh "Daddy" he muttered and everyone seemed to giggle at how clingy he was being

What did they expect from the 3 year old?

"daddy- i mean Jungkook will be home soon darling, here... Eat your granola wola!" Jimin sing songed before taking a spoon and pretending it was an airplane flying into the air

All he needed was Tae to co-orperate and open his mouth which he did sadly and munched on it slowly, a little yoghurt messing his lips which the orange haired cleaned away with a paper towel

"hey little one, what say we make a dozen of brownies and ill top it up with a dolop of your favourite flavoured ice cream huh?" Jin smiled at tae

This actually made the younger jolt back to life and completely forget his worries and blues "yesh eomma" tae replied, Jimin and Jin both looked at each other shocked and burst out laughing

"tae that's not your eom-" jimin was interrupted by Jin "its okay Jimin, i am like the mother of this house anyway. I cook, i clean, i wash laundry, i do everything in this house with no help at all-" Jin complained for a while

Rolling his eyes and swatting his hands about in the process. A drama queen was an understatement

" if you need any help with house stuff you can always ask me Jin" Jimin offered with a sweet smile and Jin nearly shreaked in happiness

"Omo, you are such a sweet mochi!" he almost grabbed jimin for a hug over the granite counter when the ash blonde walked in

"dont call him mochi" Yoongi death glared Jin

"and why the hell not!?" Jin placed a hand on his hip in complete sass 

"Cause only i get to call him that" he stated proudly and possessively

In the midst of this whole conversation, no one noticed Tae leaving the kitchen, waddling into the quiet hall ways

He saw the door at the end was wide open leading into the back yard, he wrapped his fingers together and walked slowly while thinking of his daddy

He was wondering what time he would be back? And that he wanted to share those brownies with ice cream with him

He peeped outside into the open before taking a few steps

He saw a couple of butterflies dancing with each other near a flower bed in the middle of the court

He absent mindedly ran for them in an attempt to catch them and letting them go as he always did when he went  to the park with Jimin

It seemed too quiet tho, something didn't feel right but the little didn't know that..

A couple of minutes went by

Until the little finally heard foot steps behind him

But before he could even react his sight was covered and some cloth pressed to his nose and mouth

His eyelids felt heavy and his body felt weak, he didnt even have time to scream....


Hey guys im so sorry for the loooooooooong wait... My hiatus is over

So if anyone has some good ideas as to how it must go on you can let me know

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