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The eggs and Macon with a side of orange juice was placed before the hungry two , however Little Taehyung was super excited to tell his daddy the new words he has learnt

He decided to eat up quickly and took a few gulps before turning his attention to the ravenette with a sparkle in his eye

"Daddy??" He nervously called , jungkook immediately looked up from his newspaper "yes ?" He raised a curious eyebrow , so did the other 3 males in the room

"Daddy I learnt two new words today" he held up 3 fingers , making the older smirk amused "Is that so princess ?"

The little smiled and nodded happily , "come here and tell me them" Jungkook folded his newspaper and put his leg down so that Tae could climb it

He did with much struggle .

"Let's hear it?" Jungkook urged his nervous little princess "I learnt it fwom uncle yoongs" he pointed to the pale man who's heart stopped , taking a big gulp followed by Jimin

"Is that so?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow

The little nodded before clearing his throat "I'll twell it to you now , you stwupid dumb pussies , I twold you dwont fuck with me " Pussies and fuck being the two new words learnt

All he did was repeat what uncle Yoongs said and he hoped it was correct , everyone went silent

Almost dead .

Yoongi especially wanted to die.

A click of a gun was heard , Jungkook pointed a golden eagle revolver to the pale man , a nerve sticking out of his head

"Why you dirty little-" jungkook seethed but cut short because he was about to swear and his princess has learnt enough words for one day

Yoongi was frozen on the spot , Jin didn't know whether he should smirk or stop his cousin from killing AgustDaddy

"Yah kookie ! Taetae is right infront of you , stop it" Jin said , Jungkook looked at the little who stared back at him in curiosity

The older was burning with anger "Naughty lil princess , using filthy words like that when your so small , you broke one of daddy's rules , no swearing ... And you swore twice," he tutted

"Which means your getting a spanking " he said bluntly

He pulled the gun back and put it in his pocket again , standing up and taking the little by the hand and guiding him out of the kitchen

Not before glaring at both Jimin and Yoongi and muttering "we're not finished"

"Where we gwoing daddy?" Tae looked up innocently to Jungkook

"To give you your spankings you naughty princess"

"What's spwankings ?" He lifted a finger and scratched his head to think

"Oh , you'll see......"

Daddys little gangster[Vkook]Where stories live. Discover now