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"See he doesn't bite ...but daddy sure does" the older rasped out before lifting the littles hand to his mouth and bite onto the soft flesh of his palm making Taehyung sniffle and his lips trembled , he howled out in sob while clamping onto the dummy of the pacifier so it wouldn't fall

Taehyung usually regressed to the age of 6-8 years old but when his around strangers , he becomes shy and scared of what they would think of his little space so he regressed to the age of 3 years old

The older stopped his nipping and looked up at the whiny little amused , he would be lying if his heart didn't melt just a little however seeing him cry was kind of a turn on

Jimin started to lunge forward for the little but Yoongi caught his arms in swift movements and latched them against the mans back tightly making the orange haired wince and bite his lip , damn this Yoongi - how delicious he looks all angered up and ready to kill me , what the fuck!

A click of a barrel caught his attention. It was Jungkook , a gun in his hand facing the mochi in front of him with a major snarl on his face

Taehyungs back pressed flush against the huge man's bare chest , his face scrunched in sadness and agony as he cried still , however Jungkook pushed the little more into his body and started to lightly kiss the baby's cheek in soft movements making the younger calm down . just a little bit .

Jungkook went back to lifting his gun up to Jimin and cocked his head in a challenging way "What d'you think you doing ?" He growled making the little whimper against his grip

The older was going crazy , the smaller smelt so good , like very strong baby powder and baby oil and never in a million years would he think such a smell with allure him , better yet , turn him on .

Jimin stood frozen , speechless . all he could do was watch quietly and no doubt these guys would kill him on the spot so he bit his tongue

"You owe me a debt don't you?" The older asked the obvious , Jimin nodded wildly and this made Yoongi grab onto the orange hair harshly and hold his head still "Use your words baby" The pale man whispered into his ears making him shiver "Yes Sir" he answered

"Well do you have my money ??" Kook snapped his fingers and a cigar was placed between his lips and instantly lit , he took a long drag before blowing circles out of his mouth and blew the rest through the circle skillfully

He must smoke a lot.

"N-no I d-dont have it R-right now sir" Jimin stuttered out worriedly "and why is that ? Didn't you get notice ? Yoongi?" The raven looked up at the slender man with irritation "I did sir , a month ago and that's why we brought him here , ain't that right!" Yoongi spoke in a low harsh tone as he shoved Jimin a little

The poor mochi was just getting badluck.

"Sir I have an average job and .. ," he bit His lip as his eyes travelled to the little Taehyung who stared right back at him

"And??" The older barked making both Jimin and Taehyung flinch at his tone and Kook realised his mistake and quickly 'hushed' at his ears

"M-my p-paycheck gets taken to pay for Taehyungs baby expenses sir ...give me some time and I promise I will-"

Jungkook lifted his hand up to silence the Mochi before looking down at the little with sweet eyes "This princess ?"

Taehyung blushed brightly at his new nick name for him

"I know how you can pay off your debt Jimin and it won't involve cash , maybe ...a trade?" Kook licked his dry lips , his eyes roaming the smallers body

Jimin gulped "a trade ?" , "Yes , I could make your life a whole lot easier whadaya say? Most people who don't pay off their debt are floating in gwangnam river by now (not a real river) but I'll make a slight acception to you.. , you should be thankful" Jungkook didn't wait for a reply and didn't intend for one , what he says ..goes

"Sir .. What do you want me to trade with you?" Jimin asked , he kinda knew what but he was praying to whatever gods out there to make his thoughts wrong

"I want Taehyung"


I'm so sorry its so short , it was suppose to be longer but an emergency popped up and I tried my best not to mess it up

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