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"I want Taehyung" the raven stated rather than asked , Jimin felt his whole heart sink , his throat got dry and lips trembled at his words

"Please sir , not him . this is my fault and I'll pay off the debt - he doesn't have anyone else but me " Jimin's voice broke a little and Jungkook actually listened , he was shocked because normally people who defied him would have a bullet through their head by now , he gestured for the orange haired to continue his rant in order to convince him but Jungkook sure did want Taehyung and he felt his insides twist Sickly almost yanderic (not an existent word , but its yandere)
"Sir his parents died when he was very young . He was left under my care and I've been his caretaker all these many years and his somewhat given me a reason to take responsibility , please I'm begging you " Jimin fell to his knees and putting his hands together in a begging formation

Jungkook almost felt pity . almost . but he wanted the little princess so badly . hmmmm what to do?

" hmmm fine , let's compromise ? Number one - let me keep Taehyung till your debt is paid off and you can have him back or two ," he said lifting his two fingers which he reached down to Tae's neck and rubbed at his visible collarbones making the younger shiver

"Live here with my gang and take care of their personal matters and non will be sexual don't worry I'm not that sick , the bonus is you can be here with Taehyung - its obvious which offer you want yes ?" Jungkook took a drag from his cigar and squinted his eyes waiting for an answer

Jimin nodded frantically "yes sir-"

"But there's a catch . If you live under my roof , you live under my rules (sounds like my parents) and if you even as much as make any form of resistance I'll kill you , no matter what connection you have here understand ?" His voice was menacing , deadly

It held no mercy and obviously no joke "yes sir , I completely understand you , thank you sir" Jimin smiled weakly and shifted his gaze to the younger one who stared up at him with doe eyes

Jimin whispered a soft 'its okay' and the Younger calmed down just abit , Jungkook would be lying if he said he wasn't jealous at that but he didn't fret

"Yoongi show him a room" Jungkook swatted His hands for them to leave and Taehyung opted to walk and leave too but Jungkook pulled him back

"Oh princess , not you" his eyes were venomous , Taehyung didn't even want to make a sound as silent tears left his eyes and he sucked on the pacy much more vigorously now

Jimin pulled his side bag , which had yellow rubber ducks on it and pulled the bag over his head , pulling out a fresh bottle of warm milk he made just before arriving and handed it to Yoongi

Yoongi pulled the bottle with a smirk and gave it to Jungkook

Jungkook eyed the bottle weirdly before ushering for Yoongi to take the orange haired away

Which he did.

Jimin gave a slight wave to the younger and a sweet smile before leaving , the younger wanted to run after him and pull at his pants but the handsome mafia boss before him held him in place with an enticing gaze

The little only realised then . the scars and wounds on the Mans well toned and well build body

His thoughts were cut short when he saw the bottle , oh that sweet bottle of milk

He ran towards Kook , his hands softly touching the elders knees ( Taehyung is short when he regresses but tall when he is out of little space or older age - it doesn't magically happen but just imagine it ok 😽)

Jungkook looked at the baby before him and he wanted to hold him so tightly , he just doesn't know why!

He saw Taehyung eyeing the bottle out and smirked "Baby wants bottle?"

The younger nodded shyly , batting his eyelashes up at the older who grinned slyly "how about a kiss first?" He cheekily pointed to his cheek and Taehyung waited for a while and slowly pulled his Pacifier out

Jungkook got an instant boner at seeing how plump and red the youngers lips looked from all that heavy sucking , he would look delicious sucking hard on his di-

He was cut off when the baby tiptoed and kissed Jungkooks cheeks with a soft 'pat' of the lips , a little spit stained his cheeks but who the fuck cares

As promised Jungkook handed the bottle to the little who frowned and shook his head , the older frowned "you don't want it now baby?"

Taehyung blushed again and pointed to the bottle and Jungkooks body

"Ohhh . want me to feed you??" He finally understood and the little nodded madly making Jungkook almost coo

He placed his hands on the youngers arms and picked him up , placing him on his lap sideways so his head could rest against his chest

He pressed the nub of the bottle to the baby's lips and he grabbed onto it for dear life , sucking sounds filling the room and the younger looked up at the older

The older looked down in those beautiful doe brown eyes and he got hypnotised , he caressed the baby's porcelain cheeks and the youngest eyes soon began to close

Soft little breathy snores leaving his now parted lips and jungkook bent down , hating himself for taking advantage of Taehyungs sleeping state , he pecked the baby's lips

Tasting abit of the milk but he stilled loved the feeling of the warms lips

"sir we showed Jimin to his room" a man walked in with his hands behind his back in respect

"Good , tell Yoongi to come here - I got a list of things he needs to buy and added to my room" Jungkook grabbed his discarded cigar and pulled from it while his other hand held Taehyung close to him

"What is it that you need sir??"

"I want a crib for my princess , a big spacious one , plushies , toys , kids galore for him , anything to make him happy and also ..." The older paused for a few seconds

"Yes sir ??"

"I want a list of rules made ..."

"What type of rules sir?" The man nodded down in respect again , waiting for the boss's answer

The boss looked hesitant for a while but a hint of evil hit his eyes

" daddy's rules "

Daddys little gangster[Vkook]Where stories live. Discover now