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taehyung trembled under the boss's gaze , after he had been kissed all over the neck and arms , the boss pressed his boner against the smaller and felt another protruding erection much smaller then the older

"Why don't we continue this tonight , the best time would be a midnight fuck don't you think sweet cheeks?" The boss asked but he didn't really expect an answer , he didn't need one , his head was finalised with his decision

Tae sniffled , it would be a lie to say he didn't get just a little excited , the boss kissed his collarbones a few times before pulling the smaller one to the bed
Pushing him down and reaching for his bedside draw to pull out a thin , long tail of green goodness

The younger glanced up at the older scared and cringing at the sight of the drug , it was amusing to jungkook because he's carrying on as if he never had drugs before when just yesterday he emptied out his kush supply which thankfully was low

Jungkook put the tail to his mouth and lit it up , the smell of the weed filling up the atmosphere and the smoke blurring their visions , jungkook squinted his eyes and pulled in and out without removing the tail from his mouth like a professional , well he was one

He pulled in and grabbed Taehyungs face , squishing his cheeks together to make his lips pout and blew the smoke into his mouth

He tried to wriggle and struggle in Jungkooks grip but it was impossible , the younger felt weak and lethargic already , the boss had never been so amused before as he let go of the younger , Tae slumped down , he felt his senses heightened for a little bit and he felt like he was in a dream-like state

He felt his leg twitching and his body felt like a brick , it felt good but scary at the same time

He looked at the mob boss and he shyed away , he was feeling embarrassed that he got high on only that , imagine if he smoked the tail for real ??

"Do you want to try some ???" The boss pulled the tail from his lips and pushed it towards the younger

He was hesitant to take it , but just as he was about to ... His eyes closed and opened and tears filled up , nose Turing red , a feeling of grumpyness consumed him

"Daddy!!!!!" The baby Tae wailed , he had regressed to 3 again and Jungkook's eyes widened


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