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When the raven head was completely out of sight , the orange haired Jimin ran over to the little who was sucking on the tip of the gun

"No Tae , dirty!" Jimin swatted the Gun out of the Smallers hands and it fell down with a loud clank , Tae whimpered and was about to start crying but stopped when he saw the disgusted face on Jimin's face

"Kim Taehyung" Jimin called out again

Taehyung lifted his hands up "uppy?!" He pouted , Jimin clicked his tongue before lifting the younger up and setting him on his hip bone

He turned around to see Yoongi standing against the wall with the Pistol in hand , hanging loosely to his side

In Jimins opinion , Yoongi's leather jacket made him look even more dangerous and handsome , "Like what you see gorgeous" Yoongi rather stated dominantly then asked

"Where's the b-bathroom , I need to b-bath him" the orange haired stuttered , the Olders presence made him feel that way

All mushy and loss at words.

Even though Yoongi was abit flirty with the Orange head now and then , he was still a ruthless killer - and Jimin shouldn't forget that their first encounter was Yoongi holding a knife to his neck and muttering words like "I'll kill you" instead of handing him a rose and whispering "I love you" in his ears , as expected when people liked each other but in this case the rose was replaced with a knife

Words of praise replaced by a death threat , how romantic ...

Jimin meant that sarcastically entirely.

"Follow me" Yoongi used a finger to call him over , Jimin did , keeping a safe distance away from the murderer

Yoongi led them into the same room Taehyung remembered waking up in "This is the Boss's room , Taehyung will sleep in this room too , the bathroom is in the closet" Yoongi pointed to black built-in cupboards

Damn was this man fancy , "Uhmm ..his clothes?" Jimin tried his best not to stutter , Yoongi raised an eyebrow before pointing to a baby cabinet right next to the crib

Jimin bowed before putting Taehyung down , he took steady steps towards the tiny Cupboard and he gasped when he opened it , there was only girl clothes in here

Pajamas , baggy jerseys , tights , even girly panties that were set down , Jimin's eyes grew majorly and turned back to Yoongi

"Uhmm .. I t-think these are the w-rong clothes , Taehyung is a boy" Jimin bent on his knees to look for other types of clothes

He heard footsteps behind him and he froze when he felt Yoongi pulled at his chin to face up

A hungry glint in the olders eyes "the boss doesn't want his princess dressed in any other clothes besides girly ones,"

"But he-"

"To be honest you would look so sexy with pink socks and a matching pink panty" yoongi rasped , eye raping the mochi up and down

Jimin blushed a furious red "get him clean before the boss comes or else.." Yoongi patted Jimin's head before walking off

Jimin dug in the cupboard for something for Taehyung to wear , he pulled out black socks and black panties , a tights and a salmon pink zip-up jacket that said 'Daddy's little princess'

It was getting colder these days and the last thing Jimin needed was Taehyung getting sick.


Cause cross dressing is so sexy

If you don't like it you know wat to do!

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