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"Now whose making my princess angry?!" A voice boomed by the kitchen door

Everyone froze , their hearts pumping and throats getting dry , they all turned to the doorway to see Yoongi trying to hold in a laugh

"Did you guys see your faces? Pussys" he raised an amused eyebrow at how everyone got so scared , all he did was tease them

"Min Yoongi , firstly stop mimicking what Jungkook would say , secondly stop swearing in front of Tae , please!" Jimin whisper-shouted at the ash blonde who threw him a deadly glare

Jimin blushed crimson and wished he hadn't said anything , so out of fear and shyness at his unusual outburst . He turned forward

"There's not need to talk to that pale ghost with respect doll , he's vile" Jin scrunched his face up and directed a disgusted look to the ash-blonde who smirked throughout

"Is that what I would sound like?" Another voice entered , this time it was the mafia boss himself , he was dressed differently

He was dashing.

Yoongi froze a little , peering in the back of him , looking up at the raven with a blank expression

The mafia boss rolled his tongue over his beautifully white teeth and poking his inner cheek in irritation , he reached out and pushed Yoongi out of the way

Yoongi kept his head lowered a little

"Now , tell me , why would I say something like that in the first place huh?" The Raven looked around the room

Everyone avoided eye contact , except Taehyung who found a spoon and began banging it against the granite table in utter fascination

"The midget doesn't want to give Taehyung what he wants" Yoongi blurted out

It was his duty to report to Jungkook anyway , if he didn't .. Who knows which other pervert would be appointed to watch these two , they wouldn't dare touch the rug rat but they would definitely set their eyes on the Mochi ...

Not like he cared.

"He gets anything he wants unless I say otherwise" Jungkook growled out to everyone in the room

The 3 other males whispered a "yes boss" under their breaths

Jungkook's enticing glare fell on the little who was banging the spoon against the granite table

The little met eyes with the Mafia boss and fear engulfed him fully , he stopped his nonsense immediately

Jungkook stalked near the little , eye raping the tiny thing , the Raven haired smirked at the outfit Taehyung was wearing

He looked so adorably delicious.

"You..." Jungkook breathed out , his fingers lifting Taehyung's chin up so they met eyes "what is it that you want Princess?" He asked

Taehyung frowned a little , he forgot what he wanted again , but once he spotted the strawberries in the open fridge he wiggled in his sweet

"Stawbeby milsake !!" He chirped like a little chick up to its mother - daddy in this case

The ravenette raised an eyebrow threateningly "Say please.." He rasped down at the little

"Pwease daddy..." The little fluttered his eyelashes at the older and swung his legs around

Damn...Jungkook felt like he just got knocked off his feet.

He grinned maniacally at Taehyung , he was definitely playing his cards right to get whatever he wanted.

"I want a kiss first princess" The ravenette bent down

Taehyung got a little shy , he didn't know that Jungkook already kissed him on the lips when he was asleep

He shyly kissed Jungkooks cheeks , blushing bright red

Thats fucking cute.

The mafia boss thought , a serious expression took over his features "give him whatever he wants.. I have business to tend to" he shot everyone in the room a deadly glare

The glare lingering on Jimin as a warning

He left .

The room was deadly silent now , the only thing was the strawberry milkshake being made for the princess sitting and waiting happily for his drink


Hope you enjoyed

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