A World of Gray Pt.1

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Note: This is a Holiday Special. Now without further ado:

"Rise and shine Princess. If you sleep all day, you'll miss out on all the fun~"

Raihan's voice woke you out of your sleep, your eyes slowly opening. You groaned before rolling over in bed.

"Ugh...Raihan...? What time is it...?" You asked.

"It's 4 am."

"....4 am?!"

You sat up in bed before checking your phone, noticing that Raihan was right. The sun wasn't even out yet. Plus, it was pretty cold.

"You had better have a good reason for waking me up so early," You murmured, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. Raihan plopped on your bed before slinging an arm over your shoulder.

"I wanted to see my favorite person of course~ It's the holiday season. You know, exchange gifts, eat a big meal, cry in a corner... all that beautiful jazz," Raihan said. You laughed as he pulled you into a side hug. "So, what do you plan on doing today?"

"What I normally do during the holidays: Nothing," You said. Raihan laughed.

"Well I don't blame you. Gift giving can be such a hassle..." Raihan trailed off. He noticed that you were dozing off and gently shook you awake. "Hey, I'm going to a concert later on today. Want to come with?"

"A concert?"

"Yeah. Piers is performing at the Wyndon Stadium. It's a pretty rare occasion so you shouldn't miss out."

"If you say so," You murmured.

"Great! Also, you have a key to Leon's apartment, right?"

"Yeah? What about it?"

"Well, he's probably asleep at the moment," Raihan said, showing a toothy grin. "....Want to go pester him?"

You perked up as a sinister idea popped into your head.

"Ohhh yesss."


You opened the door to Leon's place, noticing that it was quite dark inside. Your hands reached for a stray pillow as you tiptoed towards Leon's bed. You had envisioned slapping him senseless your entire way here.

You raised the pillow, a crooked smile on your face.

"Oi! Rise n' shine yee bloke! Fore I stick a foot up yee arse!"

You smacked Leon with the pillow, using as much force as possible. The laugh that came from underneath the sheets caused you to freeze in place. 

That laugh... wasn't Leon's.

Your face went blank as you pulled the sheets back, revealing someone unexpected.

"Hop?!" You exclaimed.

"Hi Y/N!!!"

"W-what are you doing here???"

"I was sleeping," Hop said. "Well until you said-"

"Don't! Repeat that!!" You exclaimed, (gently) hitting him with the pillow. Hop laughed, and Leon and Raihan laughed soon after. Your eyes narrowed. "You three set this up, didn't you?"

"No," Both Leon and Raihan replied. You completely ignored them and waited for Hop's response.

"Maybe," Hop whispered.

"I figured as much," You murmured. Wooloo also popped from underneath the sheets. " So, how are you two today?"

"Great!" Hop replied. "Happy Holidays Y/N!"

A Champion's Time (Leon x Reader x Raihan)Where stories live. Discover now