Chapter 36: Rest and Relaxation!

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"Leon!? R-Raihan?! What in the world happened to you two!?"

The second you opened the door to your inn; you immediately took in both Raihan's and Leon's appearance. Leon's hair was frazzled and Raihan could barely keep his eyes open. They both looked like they were attacked by a wild animal.

"Well Oleana held us hostage for a few hours. So that was interesting," Raihan explained.

Ah, so that was the wild animal.

"She wasn't too mean to you, was she?" You asked, letting the two inside. Raihan plopped on your sofa and stretched out, yawning a little. Leon sat on the floor. 

"It wasn't too bad. Oleana is normally upset, so I'm used to her temper," Leon explained. He looked around the room and then back at you. "Y/N, where's Hop?"

"I had to take him home," You said, a bit heartbroken. "He and Wooloo had to finish some chores. I already miss my small bean..."

"I'm... sorry to hear that," Leon murmured.

"Aww, don't be. There's always other days." You ruffled Leon's hair and he smiled, making you smile as well. Raihan then made room for you on the sofa and you sat next to him.

"Well, I'm taking a nap. Night Princess," Raihan said, leaning on your shoulder. You turned to him and smiled, rubbing the top of his head.

"Goodnight Raihan!"

When Raihan leaned against you more you laughed, wrapping both arms around him. You tried to steady yourself so you wouldn't fall backwards.

"Oh wow. Did Oleana really work you that hard?" You asked.

"Yeah, it was horrible. I could barely get a word in without her snapping at me," Raihan complained. "And you know I love talking."

"Awww. Well you can talk as much as you'd like now," You said, your hands rubbing across Raihan's back. "I can't believe she treated you like that. Oleana is the worst."

"No kidding," Raihan murmured. "You know, you make the best company Princess. No wonder I can't stay away from you..."

"Awww you idiot!" You squealed. "Flattery will get you nowhere!"

Well it definitely got him somewhere, since you pulled him closer to your chest and rocked him back and forth. Raihan grinned and you giggled, your lips pressing against his cheek. Leon frowned.

"Raihan, shouldn't you be getting your rest?" Leon flatly said, his eyes narrowing. "Stop bothering her so much."

Raihan responded by sighing. It was deep and long-drawn, as if he was too exhausted for words. Leon grumbled.

"You were just talking a second ago!!"

"It's fine Leon!" You said, rubbing through Raihan's hair. "I don't mind. Honest. I was just trying to comfort him."

"See Champ? She doesn't mind," Raihan sassily replied. When you laughed Leon frowned even more.


"Y'know Princess, I'd sleep a lot better if you slept with me. Just the thought of you being so close really turns me o-" Raihan paused before finishing and quickly corrected himself. "...Puts me at ease."

"O-oh. I dunno. I'm not really tired..." You trailed off.

Raihan's hand then tangled in your hair, his body pressed against yours as soft lips attached to your neck. You could barely find words to respond as his fangs brushed against your sensitive skin, leaving a trail of rough, almost needy, kisses.

"How about now?" Raihan suggested, his voice much lower. Your eyes fluttered shut as you tried to steady your breathing, your hands firmly pressed against Raihan's toned chest. Arceus, you could feel every single muscle.

"W-well maybe I'm a little tired-"

"Well I'm tired too!!" Leon snapped, interrupting your conversation. "But you don't see me complaining! If you're tired Raihan then sleep on the goddamn floor!"


Your eyes widened at Leon's sudden outburst and Raihan held back laughter.

"Aww, what's the matter? Did I strike a nerve?" Raihan asked. His tone held concern, but Leon knew that he was being mocked. "You know, jealousy is such an ugly look for you Champ."

"Raihan. I would appreciate it if you stopped talking," Leon said, his tone low. Raihan stood up from the sofa and the two butted heads.

"Oh? And what are you gonna do about it?" Raihan asked. The atmosphere became tense as you tried to defuse the situation.



The sheets on your bed rustled, a Galarian Meowth popping out from underneath. Meowth's eyes scanned the area before she jumped out the bed, slamming face-flat to the ground below. Leon raised an eyebrow and Raihan spoke.

"Strange. I thought cats always landed on their feet."

"Meowth! Are you alright?!" You asked, rushing over. You picked up the pokémon and checked her over for injuries. Thankfully, Meowth was completely unharmed. "Oh thank Arceus...."

".....You have a Meowth now?" Leon asked.

"Well yes but no," You said. "Her leg was injured when I found her, so I brought her to the pokémon center for treatment. Nurse Joy suggested that I watched after Meowth until her leg heals."

You patted Meowth's back and Meowth eagerly clawed at the back of your shirt, tearing the fabric into pieces. You laughed and both Leon and Raihan remained quiet.

"As you can see, she's still wild," You sheepishly said. Meowth then began scratching the front of your shirt and you held her out away from you. "I didn't want to catch her. Or Riolu for that matter."

"Riolu?" Leon asked. You nodded and Riolu rolled out from underneath your bed, dusting herself off. She looked up at Leon before turning her attention to Raihan. Leon noticed the bandages across her forehead. "What happened?"

"W-well u-um I think Nurse Joy said something about a m-mild concussion...." You trailed off. You didn't mention that Suicune was the one who caused it. "These two are friends. Which is why I'm watching after them for the time being."

You set Meowth down and Meowth happily pounced on Riolu. Riolu tried to keep Meowth from moving around so much.

"I never expected that these two would be friends," Raihan said. "Especially in the wild area."

"Yeah... They do make for an interesting combination. Isn't Riolu a dog of some sort? She kinda looks like a jackal..." You murmured. "Anyway! Since everyone is wide awake now, I think now would be a great time to battle! You're still up for a battle today, right Leon?"

Leon's eyes lit up as realization dawned on him.

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot about our match!!! Come on Y/N, there's no time to waste!!"

Leon grabbed your arm and dragged you out the room, much to your embarrassment.

"Wait Leon! We can't just leave those three there! The room would be destroyed in seconds!" You exclaimed.

"Well it's not like they're battling you," Leon grumbled. You raised an eyebrow and Leon sighed. "What I meant to say is that this match shouldn't take too long. They should be fine."

"I highly doubt that. Plus, the elevator is in the opposite direction Leon," You sheepishly said. When you didn't get a response you laughed. "Um, Leon? We're going the wrong way... Leon? .........A-at least let me change shirts..."


125k read! I'm still alive! This week was just hectic XD I already have the next chapter written out, just needs some polishing! Plus I also need to respond to comments. I've kinda been ghosting you guys—

Anyway, someone suggested I flipped a coin for Riolu's gender. And I did. She is now female XD

A Champion's Time (Leon x Reader x Raihan)Where stories live. Discover now