Chapter 22: The Road to Route 5!

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"Raihan! I'm heading out!"

"It's probably best you don't go Princess."

"Why not?!"

"Because you're dragging Hop along with you."

You slowed to a stop, noticing that you were indeed dragging Hop along behind you. Wooloo protested in your other hand.

"Oh. That's because I'm adopting them both," You explained. "I'll probably need some extra expenses though. I may have to take Leon's offer..."

"You mean the one about 'borrowing' his credit card?" Raihan asked, raising an eyebrow. "I would've been took that offer...Then I would've thrown Champ under the bus."

"Raihan! Rude!"

"I'm just being honest. Leon's too careless. He's gotta learn somehow."

"What...are we talking about right now?" Hop asked, genuinely confused.

"N-nothing Hop! Ignore everything Raihan says!"

"I mean, you might as well put his money to good use," Raihan murmured. He rested his head on his hands. "All Leon does is buy hats.....and clothes that don't match."

You tried to hold back laughter.

"He...buys hats?"

"Yeah. Whenever he defeats a trainer he doesn't take their money, he takes their hat," Raihan replied.

Hop bursted into laughter and you laughed as well.

"Rai does have a point," Hop said. "Lee has a lot of snapbacks. You should see his room."

"Really?" You asked. Hop nodded. "I would have never guessed..."

"Yeah, it's definitely strange. But I guess everyone has their flaws. Even you, Princess," Raihan said.

"Wha? I don't have flaws!"

"Are you serious? You like jumping out windows for Arceus sake."

"I've grown out of that. And you're one to talk you-" You covered Hop's ears. "Pervert."

"That isn't a flaw Princess. It's a gift."

You sighed and heard the sound of a phone ringing. When you lifted your hands away from Hop's ears, you looked around.

"Um, whose phone is that?" You asked.

"You don't know your own ringtone Princess? It's coming from your bag," Raihan flatly said. You felt your cheeks heat up.

"I k-knew that."

You pulled out your phone, noticing that number onscreen read "Unknown." You quickly declined the call and furrows your brows.

"I....don't know who that was," You murmured. "On second thought, I should probably head out alone."

You turned around and rushed off, only to feel someone grab the back of shirt.

"Woah Princess slow down. Where's the fire?"

"Water, actually. I'm challenging Nessa!" You explained. "I need to win my next gym badge."

"Let me go with you. Nessa is a handful."

"And you're not? She warned me about you Raihan."

"I should warn you about her. She's frightening."

"That's kinda funny coming from you. I thought you weren't afraid of anything," You teased. You moved over to Hop and hugged him tightly. "Bye Hop! I'll come visit! And I'll have to adopt you and Wooloo later, okay?"

A Champion's Time (Leon x Reader x Raihan)Where stories live. Discover now