Chapter 21: A Kanto Coversation!

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As Suicune raced towards the ominous cloud, you mentally prepared for the potential battle ahead. You decided that it was best not to follow Leon.

He was a lost cause.

Suicune slowed to a stop once the ground began to shake. A giant, bird-like pokémon emerged from what looked to be thin air, towering over all of you.

"What is that?!" You asked.

"It's a Rookidee! A really large one!!" Hop exclaimed. "That's so cool!!"

You held tightly onto Hop as Suicune jumped high into the air, avoiding all attacks the Rookidee attempted to land.

"Suicune! Ice Beam!" You shouted.

Before Suicune could retaliate, an attack shot off, landing a critical blow on the Rookidee. Suicune whipped around to find Leon standing farther away, striking an odd pose.

It was Charizard who shot off the attack.

The giant bird fell to the ground and returned to its much smaller size. The spirals in its eyes showed that it had fainted. Suicune landed gracefully on the ground and Hop climbed off, smiling brightly.

"Wow! That was amazing!" Hop exclaimed, rushing over to his brother. "Lee! You're so cool!!"

"Oh that~ It was nothing Hop," Leon said, smiling a little.

"Nothing?!! Charizard one-shotted a giant pokémon! You're amazing!"

"Well...I guess you have a point. I really am amazing!" Leon struck another pose. "No need to thank me~ Hehehe..."

Hop continued to shower his brother with compliments and you sighed, climbing off Suicune's back.

"Leon, we really need to work on your directions," You murmured, returning Suicune to its pokéball. Leon smiled brightly and pulled you into a hug.

"I know! But I'm here now! That's all that matters Sweetheart~" Leon teased, nuzzling his cheek against yours. "You're so adorable~"

"S-stop. Talking," You murmured, your cheeks burning.

"Aww! You two really are cute together!!" Hop exclaimed. "Now kiss!!"

"What?!! No!! Hop, don't encourage your brother!"

"Aww, come on Y/N!" Leon said. "We've already kissed before. Plus we'll be kissing a lot more once we-"

The conversation was interrupted by the sound of a catchy tune. Leon quickly pulled out his phone and answered.

"Hello? ...O-oh yeah....Was...that today?"

You heard yelling on the other end and Leon sulked.

"Alright, alright.....I'll be there in a few."

Leon ended the call and you smiled.

"You should go, I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that," You joked.

"Funny, you said the same thing last time," Leon said, smiling brightly. You raised an eyebrow.

"Last time?"

"Never mind~"

Leon wrapped both arms around you and rested his head on your shoulder.

"Bye Y/N! I would take you to work with me, but your cuteness is so distracting~" Leon teased. His lips pressed against your cheek and you blushed, running a hand through his hair.

"B-bye Leon. Don't get lost," You said. Leon laughed and reluctantly pulled away from you, making his way over to Hop.

"Bye Hop! Take care of mom and Y/N for me! You two stay safe, okay?" Leon wrapped an arm around Hop's shoulder and Hop smiled brightly.

A Champion's Time (Leon x Reader x Raihan)Where stories live. Discover now